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New Advertisements on the Site

Re: New Advertisements on the Site


I think you've already done more 'splainin' than anyone, anyone, here is entitled to. Vocal or not, we all appreciate the site, and 'the silent majority' is voting with their feet; i.e., they're pretty much all still here.

If I had any advice, it would be to get on with the other things in your life, the things that actually provide you some needed income, and let the rest of us deal. We can deal, so don't worry about us.

You built us a community here, and the community still prospers, even if the rest of the economy is in the toilet. Pay to post? Are we kidding ourselves? With this economy, that would be the real forum suicide. Be glad we have what we have and that the landlord has found a way to keep the lights on.

Re: New Advertisements on the Site

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kasey</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Just counted of the 743 viewing, there was 1 (ONE) in the training section.

So ONE lonely guy is paying to be here while the rest ride his back....nice.


Not sure exactly how you got your stats, but I doubt they can be interpreted that literally. Just because I'm not viewing the training forum at the moment doesn't mean Frank doesn't get my $10 each month. However, your point is well taken regardless and I wouldn't dispute the spirit of the argument.

Personally I joined the training section exactly because it was an easy way to support my local PBS station (as it were.) The fact that the content has been well produced and enjoyable to watch is just icing for me. Maybe if everyone who was bitching and moaning that they can't just pay to remove the ads were to run over and actually sign up and submit their $10 this month then the ads might become significantly curtailed over time. Maybe not, but until you do you really don't have any room to complain or suggest alternatives (unless, I imagine, your alternative is to just write a check to pay for the whole damn thing.)

Now, if you've got problems with the fact LL doesn't respect you, well, that's a different issue. But I'd suggest you start a new thread if you really want to discuss is publicly because only 1% of the Hide population reads for content and so anything you say is just going to get lumped into the "I don't like ads" conversation, regardless any amount of context you try to provide.

Re: New Advertisements on the Site

I dont think the ads are that annoying, except maybe the ones inline with the posts. They really add alot of scroll length, which is especially annoying on a mobile device like an iphone. that's my only gripe, and i'd happily donate into a collection to make those go away.

The side banners are no big deal, almost every site has them. Welcome to the interwebs folks, get used to it. Ya gotta keep the bills paid, that's better than not having a HIDE.
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

Well, I for one still enjoy the Forum, and will tolerate the ads to keep it.
I don't understand those that complain about the lack of space on their monitor. They'll spend $5000 for a rifle, $1500 for a scope, $45000 for a 4WD truck to drive to the range, but won't fork over a measly $250 for a decent monitor.
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

I love all the shit people post about getting a new monitor ... so please, explain to me how to get my laptop a new monitor? and I don't mean a large flat panel for the few times I'm sitting at home ... that kinda fucks up the whole "portable" aspect ...

and even still, once you get used to a certain sized monitor (actually, the key here is not the size of the monitor, but the resolution - which is more a function of the video card, not the monitor itself), ANY infringement on the space you have is a pain in the ass, since one typically sets things up to take full advantage of the space they have.

if you want to make the 'monetary argument', change the end of your post to read "but won't fork over a measly $50 a year to support the 'Hide, so that we won't have to have all these ads plastered all over the forums." ...

just a thought ...
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

See, I disagree. I play alot of games on my pc, and watch alot of dvd's, etc. I like to take full advantage of every speck of screen space... but the ads don't bother me that much. It's just a function of the internet you have to get used to. Like I said, the in-line ads are a pain in the ass on a mobile device, but the side ones are easy to zoom past if you have an iphone and know how to use it. I don't know about blackberry or other smartphone people, but that's only a minor beef anyway because the majority of people are not browsing on their mobile device. I'm just throwing it out there as an FYI, not demanding a change or protesting anything. I can live with scrolling past them.

We were very priveledged to have the site ad-free as long as it was, and maybe in the future things will change and the adds will not be needed. Until then, it's the road we must take, or get off at the next exit.
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

I'm not arguing with you ... I'm stating facts - at least in regards to monitor size and the resolution capabilities of your video card...

You can have a 15" monitor next to a 50" monitor of the same aspect ratio, and the ONLY thing what will happen differently if you don't change the resolution of your video card is that the 50" monitor will 'scale' everything larger - it WILL NOT give you more room on the screen for viewing ...

so my point - which is a fact - is that whenever you add something to the screen, it will take up your space unless you can bump your video card up to a higher resolution - meaning more pixels on the screen than before - so that you can fit more on the screen at one time ...

which of course brings me full circle to the original post I made/started in this forum, about moving the "our sponsors" stuff from the left hand side to the right, or possibly moving it in line with the posts ...

it's EASY to scroll ... it's NOT easy to bump your video card to a higher resolution that it will go ... in fact, that's impossible to do ...
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

I was curious about the ad's. It just seemed like they popped out of no where.

I'm not sure who you use for hosting. I recommend Media Temple. If you have to pay a lot for hosting, then go with these guys. I switched to them over a year ago and it has been great. They prorate for downtime automatically. You don't even have to say "Hey it was down for 30 minutes, I want credit".

The support is awesome as well. Last year I had a person on the phone on Easter Sunday morning. It wasn't outsourced either. I got to talked to an American. I'm paying around $400 yearly for my current setup.
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

holy shit there are a lot of crybabies here.


Do what you need to and thank you very much for offering this site to us all. The amount of information I have gathered here would have taken me 4 times as long through other means. My most sincere thanks for all you do. The adds dont bother me. Im just happy to be here.

Re: New Advertisements on the Site

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Blackout</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I'm paying around $400 yearly for my current setup.</div></div>

LL is pushing like 12Mpbs on average, no idea what his 95% is...

in a good "on-fiber" location, irrespective of any physical, electrical, or equipment costs, a 20Mbps connection to handle this is going to run you $1500-$2000/month. Separate from the recurring costs, you also actually have to have equipment that's capable of moving 12Mbps. Just because your D-Link has a 100Mbps port on the back does NOT mean it can move 100Mbps. High speed stuff ain't cheap either. If LL writes less than a $35k check each year to keep SH running then he is hooked up with a better deal than 99.9% of us could provide. If he writes less than a $25k check then he's doing better than me, and all I have to pay for is transport.
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Greg Langelius *</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The only question left in my mind is about why this thread is still active.</div></div>

We almost made it 24hrs without a post! I blame you...

Re: New Advertisements on the Site

you guys need to take a chill pill. MOST of page 3 has been rational and calm discussion. I don't see anyone throwing a major bitch fit, only discussing the subject with a small amount of whining. That's a rarity around here, don't go poking the trolls with sticks and get em riled up, lol...
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

I have no problem with it and my sites don't get anywhere near the traffic as this one. Media Temple handles sites for Sony, WB, Phillips, and a lot of big names. Their support and service is worth every penny that I pay. They ran me about $13 more than my previous host, but I couldn't get an American on the phone on a Sunday morning if needed.

It's all co-located, US based, many features, 24/7 support, and so forth. Most hosts boast, but even though MT is sporting some major players... they still treat a small fry like me very well.
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

How do the ads work? Is it if I click on them do they ( snipers hide) get paid for the click? If so I say click away guys make sure the site stays up and running for free.
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

I need to work on my vocabulary.
I was not familiar with the term <span style="font-weight: bold">"phimosis"</span> until I saw the ad.

Thanks for the education L.L.!
Re: New Advertisements on the Site


I must admit that like some here, I was a little irritated with the ads but after 10 days, they just kinda fit in. It is amazing what you get use to if you just practice with it a little

Thanks for a great place to hang out. Most of the forums on the web are shit holes with more drama than one can stand. Not here.

Re: New Advertisements on the Site


Could someone please let me know who to contact about placing an ad on the site? Thank you in advance for the info. Also, thank you for all of the kind words that are mentioned about the products that we at EGW have to offer. It is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Re: New Advertisements on the Site

I hated the ads when they first showed up.

I still hate them.

Why? I'm a professional web developer and know they could be done better.

I've offered my services, and it was respectfully declined.

I paid $30 the other day, and will pay $10 a month for some excellent training that will hopefully prepare me for a RO class at some point in the future when time allows.

You've made your decisions lowlight... fine. Groovy. Since I pilot a computer all day, I'll take my own measures to make sure I don't see these annoying fuckn ads. I like this site and I'm not going to stop coming because of something like that... I'll just solve the problem on my own.

Every focus group or independent study that I have ever been a part of, or have ever read about indicates that users fuckn despise having ads on the left where navigation is suppose to be. If I pitched a site to a client with ads like that, they'd probably ask me if I was dumber than a box of shit? People hate them... as you are finding out.

I realize you don't like selling shit, but you are making us foot the bill anyway in a non-direct way by stuffing unrelated advertisements in our eye sockets.

Another option that people would probably like more... is if the hide sponsors get an ad in the forums? I wouldn't hate the ads nearly as much if they weren't for totally fuckn useless shit like shitty video games or other equally retarded shit.

I've got another business that I started 4 months ago that is almost ready to purchase a hide sponsorship, and I will soon when the timing is right... and I would gladly pay to put an ad in the forums as long as it wasn't in the left colum or stuck in every 2nd post. I bet some other hide sponsors would too.

There is a right way, and a wrong way to do ads on a website. I offered it before, and I'll offer it again... I can help if you want. Generally, any "right way" is a way in which your clients/customers/visitors don't want to cut their fuckn eyes out or get pissed off every time they come to the site.

This is the last post I'll make about it, since I can respect when someone "decides" something.

I'll keep paying $10 a month for the valuable skills you are putting up on the training section and I'll keep trying to learn them.

... and by the way... people, if you have not checked out the training section yet... you must be half a retard or something. I learned more about shooting accurately by reading 6 lessons than I have in the last 2 years probably.

Thanks for all the time the hide admins/owners put in. Lot of information here.

In the mean time I'll keep reading your posts lowlight, and and pray to God that somehow the ads get moved to a position that doesn't make people want to carve on their wrists or wash their eyes out with buckshot.
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

No ads there, but the box is still off-setting the columns. Its an improvement though!!!


These sites cost money to operate, so go throw some money in their bank account and learn some valuable shit in the process. If more of you tightwads would open up the pocket book a bit, it would probably make things easier for them.

BTW, I'm still saying you should put the ads in the right column right on top of all the search, new members, and shoutbox stuff... but instead of putting useless bullshit in there for ads, put the hide sponsors in there!

I'm sure this stuff is being worked on. It just takes a little time.
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

Just waiting to accrue a little more revenue and I will. This hasn't been one of our better years. I have to justify expenses to Mrs. Q to a far greater extent than years past!

I'm still trying to convince her of the vast sums I've saved by reloading...

I'd prefer the ads on the right as well, like Ann Coulter's page and others. I want to see this thing provide for the owner and not be a PITA that makes him even more prone to ban my sorry buttock again!
Re: New Advertisements on the Site

I'd love to participate in the paid forum, but funds never seem to be available when it helps. I survived a decade without it, I'll proabably manage a few more months.

Re: New Advertisements on the Site

I like the ads.


I now work from home, I've gone up a full cup size and Ukranian is no longer a mystery to me.

Found out I am still not a MILF and my credit score is in need of help.

Re: New Advertisements on the Site

I really like the site sponsored ads in the posts. I like clicking on, and checking out that kind of stuff.


The left colum is still there... and it still offset's the rest of the board... and its still annoying as hell.

I guess some people will just go their own way no matter what.