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Night Vision New Armasight Units (Sidekick and Jockey 640s)

No problem,

I'm 99% sure we are getting the first batches of units so it will likely come from SOK or one of our customers. SOK will deliver a video, but expect a detailed video to take about a month after we have tested it in a number of conditions and nights.

Looking forward to that. Definitely want to see user experience before dropping coin on one.
This is still true, tho I think the 320 might have been behind by a few days. SOK didn’t order any 320s due to the nominal price difference stepping up to the 640.
Thanks Preston, I was aware of the shipping dates and I was hoping someone got a 320 over the weekend to play with.

I'm a 640 fan also but the 320 might give us a glimpse of what is to come!
I wonder how the jockey 640 vs rh25 will stack up purely as a clip on. I like the idea of the utility of stuff like the sidekick,mh and rh and sting ir but knowing myself id use it primarily for a clip on, anything else would be an exception. Any reason the jockey would have an edge as a clip on over the rh25
I wonder how the jockey 640 vs rh25 will stack up purely as a clip on. I like the idea of the utility of stuff like the sidekick,mh and rh and sting ir but knowing myself id use it primarily for a clip on, anything else would be an exception. Any reason the jockey would have an edge as a clip on over the rh25

I'm going to guess the FOV will be wider because it has a smaller objective.

Plus its 'Merca not Chyna!
That's about what we're hearing ... sounds like soon but not yet for shipping.

Did hear the Jockey's are about a month behind the sidekicks in terms of shipping.
I wonder how the jockey 640 vs rh25 will stack up purely as a clip on. I like the idea of the utility of stuff like the sidekick,mh and rh and sting ir but knowing myself id use it primarily for a clip on, anything else would be an exception. Any reason the jockey would have an edge as a clip on over the rh25
This would be interesting to see as a side by side. I've used my RH25 about 15hrs a week for the past year and been pretty happy with it.
Anyone currently using any new Armasight units? I'm close to pulling the trigger on one of their Contractor dedicated scopes, not a clip on.

The Contractors are already out but very very limited information about them and the info that is out us really pathetic at best. The Jockey and Sidekick hasn't shipped yet.

Armasight IMO really needs to get their products in the hands of legit killers and shooters as they haven't done that yet. With the market flooded with Chinese garbage i hope they get their shit together, its nice to have more American owned and made options even though I'm 100% an Nvision fan!
The Contractors are already out but very very limited information about them and the info that is out us really pathetic at best. The Jockey and Sidekick hasn't shipped yet.

Armasight IMO really needs to get their products in the hands of legit killers and shooters as they haven't done that yet. With the market flooded with Chinese garbage i hope they get their shit together, its nice to have more American owned and made options even though I'm 100% an Nvision fan!
I just purchased a Contractor 320 6-24x so I can report on it once it arrives. I'm hoping the 6x base mag that gives it 72 pix/deg provides good clarity.
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Picture is of a Contractor 320 6-24x at base mag 6x power

330 yards to targets, backstop is sand hill in the shade, very moist from rain night before

Field is 6" grass in sun

Life size steel coyote target on left, warmed in sun to slightly warm to touch 30 minutes before photo was taken

6" square steel middle top, 5" steel circle middle bottom, both also warmed

Silhouette target on right, never warmed

Wood frame on far left with paper targets and two mitten hand warmers from 1+ hour before Pic was taken

Daytime, some humidity, 80 degrees F

Pic taken with phone camera zoomed 2x (causing a very slight amount of granulation/ drop in image quality)

Pine tree at 25 yards in front of scope causing interference on right side of pic

Scope is holding zero after 50 rounds of .223 40 gr vmax and a power cycle

Scope shoots 6-12" high when using digital 12x and 24x zoom
I can’t wait to see the Sidekick performance. Hoping it provides much better performance than a Breach, comparable to Nox18, at almost half the cost.

I had been running a Trijicon Patrol and my brain was ok with it on Outline mode with a 14 on my right eye. Hoping the Sidekick could do the same thing in a much smaller, better performing, package.
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View attachment 8239477

Picture is of a Contractor 320 6-24x at base mag 6x power

330 yards to targets, backstop is sand hill in the shade, very moist from rain night before

Field is 6" grass in sun

Life size steel coyote target on left, warmed in sun to slightly warm to touch 30 minutes before photo was taken

6" square steel middle top, 5" steel circle middle bottom, both also warmed

Silhouette target on right, never warmed

Wood frame on far left with paper targets and two mitten hand warmers from 1+ hour before Pic was taken

Daytime, some humidity, 80 degrees F

Pic taken with phone camera zoomed 2x (causing a very slight amount of granulation/ drop in image quality)

Pine tree at 25 yards in front of scope causing interference on right side of pic

Scope is holding zero after 50 rounds of .223 40 gr vmax and a power cycle

Scope shoots 6-12" high when using digital 12x and 24x zoom

So your saying your getting 6"-12" of shift if you zoom??

If so thats terrible and I'd be having it shipped back to Armasight for repair, quality thermals have zero shift if you are at any zoom level.

Thanks for the report!
So your saying your getting 6"-12" of shift if you zoom??

If so thats terrible and I'd be having it shipped back to Armasight for repair, quality thermals have zero shift if you are at any zoom level.

Thanks for the report!

Yes exactly. I've already contacted them. If I had to guess, it's not zooming in on the point where I moved the reticle to during zeroing, i think it was zooming on the original point of impact before zeroing. When zooming back to 6x it retained zero and the chevron reticle appeared to be tracking bullet drop correctly on 55gr ammo.

Hopefully it's a minor issue that can be fixed because otherwise I like it alot and it's easy to use. I don't really even need the digital zoom with a 6x base mag but it's nice to have.
Yes exactly. I've already contacted them. If I had to guess, it's not zooming in on the point where I moved the reticle to during zeroing, i think it was zooming on the original point of impact before zeroing. When zooming back to 6x it retained zero and the chevron reticle appeared to be tracking bullet drop correctly on 55gr ammo.

Hopefully it's a minor issue that can be fixed because otherwise I like it alot and it's easy to use. I don't really even need the digital zoom with a 6x base mag but it's nice to have.

Hopefully they get it sorted out quickly.

Honestly it would be great for the thermal community if you started a separate thread for this, it could really help guys out considering a unit like yours as well as how their customer service is and last but not least derail this thread about the new Jockey and Sidekick.
Hopefully they get it sorted out quickly.

Honestly it would be great for the thermal community if you started a separate thread for this, it could really help guys out considering a unit like yours as well as how their customer service is and last but not least derail this thread about the new Jockey and Sidekick.

Created a thread. I talked to them on the phone today and the RMA process seems easy and they said they'll fix it in 6 business days. Most likely a software issue.
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We've been testing a 75mm contractor recently (same core as sidekicks and jockeys) and even I'm impressed (me being a BAE/OASYS core bigot since 2016ish). At 300yds with the contractor 4.8x (75mm) the cattle looked >= UTC on one recent night. That's a LOT of magnification though. The cows looked like they were sitting on the end of my nose. They have several other models in the line with more FOV. But the short version is, the new cores exceeded my expectations. I need to try them further out.
We've been testing a 75mm contractor recently (same core as sidekicks and jockeys) and even I'm impressed (me being a BAE/OASYS core bigot since 2016ish). At 300yds with the contractor 4.8x (75mm) the cattle looked >= UTC on one recent night. That's a LOT of magnification though. The cows looked like they were sitting on the end of my nose. They have several other models in the line with more FOV. But the short version is, the new cores exceeded my expectations. I need to try them further out.
Please let me know when they get released. I definitely want a Sidekick and later a Jockey.
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We are hearing (from the Manufacturer) that sidekick 320s are shipping now ... sidekick 640s by Thanksgiving ... and prior to recently they told us Jockey's were about a month after the sidekicks. So it could be that the "log jam" has been resolved and we will get some of this stuff before SHOT !!!
Ok, I finally got access to a manual, so I can answer some questions I've been asked on the unit power options.

Unit uses 1 x c123 by default

Unit comes with a batt cap extension which if used allows use of either 2xc123 or 1 x16650

Unit supports power from external USB battery pack. If external power is used internal battery will not be used and is not required.
I know these things say 5.56 recoil rated… but could I use them on a .300 blk? I feel like that’s *barely* a step up in recoil. If anyone has advice or experience with other units I’d love your input.
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I know these things say 5.56 recoil rated… but could I use them on a .300 blk? I feel like that’s *barely* a step up in recoil. If anyone has advice or experience with other units I’d love your input.

Yes -- Armasight wouldn't want you to put it on a 6.8SPC, 308w, etc.
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Meant to be clipon only. Of course u can hold any clipon up BUT the demag on the rear end shrinks the display, so like on the utc it looks like the 1" display is across the room, really tiny, too tiny.
The jockey probably wont have that much demag, but it will have some.

Also, purpose built monoculars have diopter lens on back, purpose built clipons have collimating lens, no diopter.
So if you need to adjust the diopter on your monoculars, it wont be there on the jockey.
Can you ask them about 6 ARC? Interested in a Sidekick. Still Q4 2023 or Q1 2024?



Sidekick 640 expected this month (November). We're filling orders in the order they're received, but they're shipping very soon.

The Jockey won't support anything larger than 5.56 / 300blk without risk of damage. Already asked. 6mm ARC is a no-go. The trade of for light weight is recoil ratings typically drop off.

Sidekick 640 expected this month (November). We're filling orders in the order they're received, but they're shipping very soon.

The Jockey won't support anything larger than 5.56 / 300blk without risk of damage. Already asked. 6mm ARC is a no-go. The trade of for light weight is recoil ratings typically drop off.

PM sent
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Jockey isn’t out yet.

Sadly, we didn’t film much through the 4.8x. Got caught up in admiring the image. If words are worth anything.. the image rocks.
I'm kind of surprised to hear that, everything I do see online of the other contractor 640 units, the image doesn't look good to me. I don't know if its the way they've filmed it or what but detail seems very lacking for a 640 unit compared to its competitors