True, but for the most part NYPD cops don't have access to top secret information or deal with matters involving national security. These guys take an oath to do what they do and to do it from the shadows, in the dark of night. I would say that most of them adhere to those ethos but as always, there are those that need to tell everyone else how great they are. Or in this case, how confused/conflicted they are. Personally I think its tasteless but every circle has its attention whores.
I'd disagree with part of your first statement. I won't get into what or why, but if you want to PM me about it, then I'll discuss it there. Also, on a separate issue... ALL the classified info that is deemed unsafe for public viewing is redacted by the Pentagon's own censors. It gets erased. Every service member agrees to this arraignment, when they first join. There is no breach or leaks of national security when a book is written by any member of the armed forces.
Also, I'm a bit disgusted that the VA is using taxpayer money in order to give this guy hormone therapy but that is a whole different topic.
If you have a link or some source that you are citing, for the taxpayer funded hormone therapy then could you post it, or provide it?
I am grateful for his service as he did it for a long time and served honorably but he has put yet another nail in the coffin. Our morals and values are quickly being eroded and stunts like this only serve to further that erosion.
I keep hearing this way too often. The world isn't going down the tubes, you're just watching too much of the crap on TV and the internet, and talking about it. From there you're giving it power over you, and strengthening more of the 'Us vs. Them' mentality, by lashing out against it. Then those people who you hate will look at your own anger, and say 'See? We have to band together because of this'
You claim this book, and this move, might be something more than done out financial means, and out of a need for celebrity, so you have no problem generating interest for the book, be it good or bad isn't what I'm saying. I'm saying that you're just giving more celebrity to this book, then what could have been done, and simply ignore it. Granted because of this topic, I can assume that someone reading this topic will go out and buy this person's book just to understand more about the author, and what went through in that person's life.
So, in short, you shot yourself in the foot, metaphorically speaking. You made a topic about something that you hated, and was against your beliefs, but all your really doing is generating interest, and publicity in this, which is what you didn't want on this issue, because you think there is too much publicity in it already.
Ignore something if you hate it so much, and don't be surprised if it suddenly disappears from your thoughts. Encourage other people to do the same, and don't be surprised if it disappears from TV, the internet, and every mass media hub altogether.