I'd say that it isn't the performance characteristic that is desired that is debated per se, it is the distance at which either performance characteristic happens. Shooting deer at 30-90yds will yield entirely different results than those shot at several hundred. Bullets that impact light bone (ribs), and bullets that do not, should still effectively kill...at range.
That was my issue with ELD-X, and what I think is also happening with the SGC bullets.
I think the companies should be clear, at what velocity (and therefore what ranges) a bullet, loaded in a specific cartridge, is designed for. Hunting back east where shots are often measure in tens of yards, is much different than out west where shots are measured in hundreds of yards. There should be "forest" loads (with appropriately loaded bullets) and "open range" loads (again with an appropriately loaded bullet) with optimal engagement ranges listed on the box. That would be pretty expensive for the companies, but it would make for less wounded animals, and help out "Joe Lunchbox" who doesn't spend much time thinking about this sort of thing.