I have a lot of experience with shooting but it is primarily with pistols and small frame gas guns. Sometime around 2010, I purchased a GAP 260 Rem and had a lot of fun with it. With kids and life, I just could not spend the time to go do competitions and even had a hard time getting to a range so I ended up selling the rifle.
My kids are now out of the house and we bought a place outside Houston where I have room to shoot far (far for me, I can safely shoot almost 1,300 yards). So for the last eight months I have been reading this forum and the precision rifle blog. I have also reached out and talked to a bunch of people who have been incredibly helpful and friendly but I still have some really basic questions and I also want to check myself versus the real life experience of the forum.
I do not want to own half a dozen bolt guns, I would greatly prefer to own a single platform that allows for changing caliber by swapping barrels and bolts. The two choices that I landed on were Accuracy International and the Terminus Zeus. My goal is to be able to shoot 1,200 yards with the rifle reliably. I will also use the rifle on occasion to shoot feral pigs and deer. I do not expect to compete with the rifle, I also don't expect to ever sell it (my kids can deal with my gun collection after I am dead). I am not working with any real budget constraints in that I can afford an AI and a high end piece of glass.
1) My first question is, if you look at PRS ranking and the top 200 shooters none of them were using AI last year. Are the custom actions with Bartlien barrels just inherently more accurate than AI?
2) Am I being overly concerned with accuracy given my use case above?
3) Am I being a moron? Is a barrel swap system even necessary or could I just build a 6mm or a 6.5mm and be good to go for the things I want to do?
So that you know why I am thinking this way, I have been corresponding with a couple of people and one of them shoots for the US Army and he is uses a barrel swap system. He likes it because of the flexibility of the system and it's ability to scale up and down. He was telling me for instance that he spends a lot of time swapping to a 5.56 layout to work on wind calls for instance. The idea of a buying one rifle platform with a premium scope and then swapping in different barrels and bolts (instead of new firearms) is what is appealing to me, sort of future flexibility if I decide to change things up.
My kids are now out of the house and we bought a place outside Houston where I have room to shoot far (far for me, I can safely shoot almost 1,300 yards). So for the last eight months I have been reading this forum and the precision rifle blog. I have also reached out and talked to a bunch of people who have been incredibly helpful and friendly but I still have some really basic questions and I also want to check myself versus the real life experience of the forum.
I do not want to own half a dozen bolt guns, I would greatly prefer to own a single platform that allows for changing caliber by swapping barrels and bolts. The two choices that I landed on were Accuracy International and the Terminus Zeus. My goal is to be able to shoot 1,200 yards with the rifle reliably. I will also use the rifle on occasion to shoot feral pigs and deer. I do not expect to compete with the rifle, I also don't expect to ever sell it (my kids can deal with my gun collection after I am dead). I am not working with any real budget constraints in that I can afford an AI and a high end piece of glass.
1) My first question is, if you look at PRS ranking and the top 200 shooters none of them were using AI last year. Are the custom actions with Bartlien barrels just inherently more accurate than AI?
2) Am I being overly concerned with accuracy given my use case above?
3) Am I being a moron? Is a barrel swap system even necessary or could I just build a 6mm or a 6.5mm and be good to go for the things I want to do?
So that you know why I am thinking this way, I have been corresponding with a couple of people and one of them shoots for the US Army and he is uses a barrel swap system. He likes it because of the flexibility of the system and it's ability to scale up and down. He was telling me for instance that he spends a lot of time swapping to a 5.56 layout to work on wind calls for instance. The idea of a buying one rifle platform with a premium scope and then swapping in different barrels and bolts (instead of new firearms) is what is appealing to me, sort of future flexibility if I decide to change things up.