Got it to the range for the first time today and it’s ridiculously fun and stupid quiet. Was ringing steel at 300 yards pretty consistently with 147gr subs.
It's a one off (actually two) build on a CZ action in a special made Manners stock that takes Glock mags. The can is a Griffin Resistance 9. At the shooters ear, the firing pin and spring is louder than the report of the shot.
Plenty good for 9mm. Was ringing steel at 300 pretty regularly in the video I posted in the OP. That said, I've mainly just been plinking with it inside 100 yards at various targets, steel, spinners, etc.
Plenty good for 9mm. Was ringing steel at 300 pretty regularly in the video I posted in the OP. That said, I've mainly just been plinking with it inside 100 yards at various targets, steel, spinners, etc.
I am just wondering if it makes more sense to put a 9mm barrel on my 223 tikka for 200 and in practice at my local range instead of trying to get a 22lr that I have to buy ammo and hope it stays around 1" at 100yards. The fact I have 5-10k 9mm projectiles from when I shot USPSA on the reg makes it difficult.
Yeah i reload. Just trying to find decide if it is worth the couple hundred for a 9mm barrel instead of trying to put my mk ii savage in the chassis and re chamber it to a better chamber.