New wannabe shooters

Printed some paper today. Shot at 100 yds with a bipod out of the bed of my truck. Keep in mind I'm not that great of a shot, so some wanderers in groups are my fault and not the firearm or ammo.

Wind was all over the place, but stayed below 15 mph.

Linking the pics in from my flickr.

Mossberg mvp 5 shot groups with different ammo by Rock at Hard Eight, on Flickr

Mossberg mvp 5 shot groups with different ammo by Rock at Hard Eight, on Flickr

Mossberg mvp 5 shot groups with different ammo by Rock at Hard Eight, on Flickr

Mossberg mvp 5 shot groups with different ammo by Rock at Hard Eight, on Flickr

Mossberg mvp 5 shot groups with different ammo by Rock at Hard Eight, on Flickr

Mossberg mvp 5 shot groups with different ammo by Rock at Hard Eight, on Flickr

Mossberg mvp 5 shot groups with different ammo by Rock at Hard Eight

The 50 gr reloads from my local shop and the 62 gr fiocchi were what worked best.
HAZORD, Sean the Nailer & Steve123,

Appreciate the comments. I left out a few things as I thought I was getting too wordy.

Took me until the Spring to finally get my scope back. When I mounted it back on my old Kimber .22 the elevation and windage was off a few full turns! It was as if he purposely turned each one a few turns to be a dick.

At work he told a totally different story that got more and more fantastic as time went on. All sorts of insane excuses. Everything from his shot being blocked by timber, to me giving him the wrong range readings!

He ended up leaving the job shortly there after and moving out of loss.

On a better note....... We had a female Trooper who had hunted for a few years, had shot a deer but had NEVER shot an elk. Took her onto a local Ranch here in Craig and got her her first elk, a rag horn bull.... a clean shot at 300 yds....and her FIRST elk.

The entire endeavor from start to finish was a pleasure. She took my suggestions to heart. Did as I suggested, etc. I still have a photo of her in the loading room, with a big smile on her face posing with that bull.

Thankfully for every asshole I can recall a dozen folks that truly appreciated my help.

Back then I had a hell of a deal on that Ranch. A thousand elk scattered over 20+ sq miles with only a half dozen hunters allowed on....and I was one of them. The hunts were exciting, far from shooting them over bait or something canned like that. But we always saw elk, seldom went a day without getting into at least a few small groups or one of the larger herds of a few hundred. Those were some good times. Shot a few nice whitetails there too.

FN in MT

I have figured out that women listen better when trying to help them out when it comes to shooting. My wife took an interest in shooting about 6 months ago and she has really impressed me by everything she retained and how well she shoots. I think for a lot of women, it is due to them being somewhat scared of guns that they pay attention to everything you say.

In recognizing the purely scientific approach of some of these responses ...
We all have stories like this. My friend wanted me to teach him to be able to shoot 500yds. He lives three hours from me so I typed up a how to. It gave him step by step instructions on how to get his 300wm out that far.

Long story short he is happy only shooting 300yds with his 300wm and just plinking with his m1a.
Possibly it's advancing age talking...But I've given up on most folks five or more years back. I've wasted so much time, money and energy trying to help the idiots out there.

Several years back had a Buddy from the job who drew a trophy bull elk tag for an area that's nearly impossible to get access. Talking a once in a lifetime tag that SHOULD yield a 380" or better bull.

I call a good friend in that area, another State cop. He gets me a phone call from a Rancher who may let us on...with NO FEE!

I beg, and we get access. Tell my buddy he needs to get sighted IN, use some premium bullets, do some shooting from field positions and get his ducks in a row.

I lend him a 3.5-10X Leupold as his old redfield 2-7 doesn't hold zero well. I mount it up on his Rem 700, .300 Win mag and sight it in with 180 Nosler partitions.I'm getting 7/8" or so for 4 shots at 3000 fps.

He doesn't want to use the 180 NP's as he has always used lighter, standard old Hornady's. Also doesn't want to be sighted in at 200 yds. He likes to be "on at 300 yards". We have a heated discussion and he relents...allowing the scope to be on at 200 yds.

Week later We drive the 3 hours out to the Ranch, stay overnight and the next day we meet the land owner. He gives us ONE day as he has paying hunters in the next day.

We get into a small herd of bulls late in the afternoon. They are slightly below us in an open park in some timber. It's windy and cold, single digit temps , winds at 15-20 mph.... with a major storm on the way in. I put him on one of THE best bulls I have ever seen. 7x7, WIDE, TALL and has mass. We are at 175 yds by my rangefinder and the bulls have no idea we are there. I set him up over my pack and tell him to take his time, we are in great shape, maybe dry fire a round or two, aim for the lungs, no change in hold required, etc. He isn't on the pack 2 seconds and puts a round OVER the WRONG bull , I can see the impact in the rocks behind the bull.

The elk get up, and start milling around. A few flat run off. The 7x7 is STILL standing there. A perfect broadside! I get him on the right bull and he once again he puts a round OVER the bull...THAT was all she wrote, they ran off.

We never got on another good bull. A big storm blew in and we barely made it out that afternoon.

Despite my best efforts.....He switched his ammo for 150 gr hand loads that he NEVER shot on paper. Also dialed in 13" of elevation "Put me ON at 300 yards". To say it was a quiet ride back after he told me what he'd putting it mildly.
And he never did repay me for gas as had been previously agreed on.

FN in MT

That was hard to read. My blood pressure went up with every line I read.
OK so here is a bit more shaking my head.

I get the guys scope mounted and squared away and to help him find a load I do a ten round OCW in .2 grn increments.

He's shooting an AR and wanted to shoot 69 grn ball so I ask in the reloading section were I will find a node and I get the information I needed. I load ten rounds incase something gets flubbed and to also see if it is repeatable. I started out at 24.0 grns and work up until I reach 24.8 and that's were I stopped and that happened to be the node for the best accuracy. Like a dumbass I tell him 24.8 is probably the one we're looking for.

I tell him to find a target with five bullseyes on it and I want five shots in each one and to mark down what is what. Bare in mind I also told him to use some store bought rounds to sight in with which he did. He ran out of these and knew a guy that happened to be shooting and asked if he had any extras and the guy said sure for a buck a round.

Now to jump ahead to my involvement again. He brings the target to work with him on Mon and I am looking at it and it has some weird groupings and then some scattered shots and then ten of them in the lower right hand corner target with 24.8 written in that corner. I also asked him what happened with the rest of the shots and he was vague about it and mentioned how he didn't have much time and how cold it was while shooting.
I told him that 24.8 looked like the one but I wanted to go up a few more tenths to see what happens, so fri he brings the brass back in and says there are some loaded ones and do whatever I wanted with them. So apparently since he didn't have enough time and it was cold he bypassed most of it and jumped right to the 24.8 to get it done faster.

What is surprising to me about all of this is the fact the guy is real Anal about what he does at work and then he skips a big process in shooting.

It will be interesting to see if his setup does what he wants. I imagine there is going to be much frustration on his part this year.

Oh and remember he's does nothing cheap.
Maybe it is too much info? You need a new rifle! New Optics! Fuck your budget! You don't reload? Here take my reloads! Work up a load!

It reminds me of when I was new home brewer. I was brewing extract batches plus grains and I liked the beer and it was easy. My friend was brewing all grain which is much more intensive. His beer was better. When he told me everything I needed and what to do, I had trouble getting the grasp of it. It was a lot and I didn't fully understand. He invited me over for a day to show me how to all grain brew. AHA!