Rifle Scopes Night Force problem .. need help!!


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Aug 5, 2010
Sunny Florida
I Just got my scope duracoated. I think I've got a problem now. When you turn the parallax knob you can hear sand grinding. Its not that bad , but it sounds like a pocket knife that has sand in it. The company sand blasted the scope prior to the duracoat. They did cover all the knobs, but I guess some dirt seeped in. Is there a way to take off the parallax knob and clean the dirt out? Will water, compressed air, rubbing alcohol work? If not, any ideas on how to clean it? I really don't want to send it back to night force. _____________
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

If I were you I would send it back to the people who did the duracoat and ask them to fix it. I have never had a scope coated before, but that doesn't sound too good.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sandblasting a $2,000.00 scope to change the color of it... what could possible go wrong?

Note to self: Don't buy Jackalope33B's scopes.

Man my thoughts exactly. I can see duracoating making the scope more rugged and possibly help preserve resell value, then again, one often meets their fate, on the road they take to avoid it,..
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Parallax</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
shankster said:
Sandblasting a $2,000.00 scope to change the color of it... what could possible go wrong?

^^ What he said... two places where sand really can cause discomfort, optics and swimsuits. </div></div>

i can think of one other place it could cause some issues
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jackalope33B</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I Just got my scope duracoated. I think I've got a problem now. When you turn the parallax knob you can hear sand grinding. Its not that bad , but it sounds like a pocket knife that has sand in it. The company sand blasted the scope prior to the duracoat. They did cover all the knobs, but I guess some dirt seeped in. Is there a way to take off the parallax knob and clean the dirt out? Will water, compressed air, rubbing alcohol work? If not, any ideas on how to clean it? I really don't want to send it back to night force. _____________ </div></div>

This really isn't a Night Force problem... anymore than me running my truck out of oil is a Toyota problem.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

As stated above, this is not a NightForce problem, this is either a you problem, or a problem with the company that coated it (or both).

Personally (and others will disagree), tell them to buy you a new scope (and they keep yours). They F'ed up and put sand in your $2000 optic. Grinding has already occurred, so even if they remove it, damage has been done. That is a risk they take with any product they coat, and mistakes like this are figured into the cost of the coating job. If they won't, post the company name here so we can make informed decisions.

Regardless of the outcome, you may find some kernels of wisdom in the posts above mine. The fact that this is a big deal to you means you probably don't have the disposable income to be coating a scope that is already coated. You may have a great reason, and you don't owe that reason to us, I'm just telling you how it looks.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

You really shouldn't sandblast anything that is supposed to be sealed, not with o-rings anyway. This is why you aren't supposed to clean a four wheeler or motorcycle with a pressure washer. The pressure can drive stuff (water or sand) past the seals. It sounds like you have sand IN your scopes innards.

I'd send it back to them and let them take responsibility for the mishap. To tell the truth, I don't know why they felt compelled to sandblast it. From what I've seen, Duracoat sticks pretty good to anodizing.

Who'd you send it too? I'll put them on my list of people to avoid.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

Before you freak out, see if there's a set screw(s) on the parallax knob. It may well be that some sand got under the knob, but that's a far cry from being inside of the scope.

If you can remove the knob, just take a soft brush and give everything a good cleaning..

If you've read this far, you've probably figured out that sandblasting it was not the best idea.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

I wouldn't sand blast metal anyways. It heats it up WAYYYY too fast and can cause warping of the metal. I learned my lesson when I used sand to blast a door of an old car that I was restoring. Needless to say, that door had more highs and lows than the Sierras.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

This is priceless, first you take apart the clutch of the scope and have to send it back to NF and now you've gone and sandblasted a scope?? It seems as though you should have taken the advice you were given and read the manual. Then again, this does almost sound like the former poster who couldn't leave things alone and insisted on taking apart and cleaning suppressors.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

He didn't sandblast it the company did it. If the company chooses to go that method that is risk they are taking.

They offered a service to duracoat it with out causing damage to the scope. They are at fault have them fix it dont f@#k with it, send it back to them.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

Jack are you positive they sandblasted it? That does not seem right to me. I think paint will stick to the scope without blasting it.

Jay you are 100 percent right. HAHA
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

I just went an looked at my 5.5-22X NF. Looking at the parallax adjustment knob, it looks like there are three very SMALL screws that MAY be acting as set screws holding that assembly on. MAYBE if you remove the battery cover and loosen these screws, you'll be able to loosen the adjustment knob.

I have to admit that my post above may have been a bit rash. We don't know that the sand (if that's what it is) got past any seals. It's entirely possible that there is just sand under the knob without having gotten past the seals. Still, I don't know that the screws are loctited in with red loctite or something like that.

The most prudent thing to do (if you just have to try yourself) might be to dribble some breakfree along the seam of the knob and see if you can flush out whatever is causing the gritty feeling. The best course of action is to send it to Nightforce and let them dismantle it and clean it out. I'm sure that those guys have seen all sorts of whacky stuff come in.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

Ok, so ALOT of you guys have made your points as far as how your not supposed to sandblast a scope to rough it up. Really, how many times are you going to post the same topic as others? Your just wording it different. Just for clarification, there is NO sand inside of the scope. There was a little bit under the elevation and windage knob. But that cleaned up fairly easy.
Its the same situation with the parallax knob. There is some (when I say "SOME", I mean a few grits or so) sand under the knob, NOT in the scope. I seriously doubt that sand got past several O-Rings that keeps your scope water proof, and made its way into the scope body. If thats the case, then NF scopes would not be used overseas.

Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

Jackalope33B is now going to offer a lifetime warranty on his scopes to any future owners. This thread just keeps on giving.

BTW, I think you are the first person in the 'Hide's history that has made a thread wondering why your parallax knob was gritty after sandblasting a new Night Force scope.

You have that going for you.... which is nice.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

You know the funny thing SHANKSTER, I have friends on this Forum that will be more than happy to sell this scope on here IF i decide to do it. The only warranty will be through NF. There have been ALOT of NF scopes for sale that have been painted on this site, so you will never know who really owned any product.. Thanks for the Idea
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shankster</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

You have that going for you.... which is nice. </div></div>

Always room for a solid caddyshack reference.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jackalope33B</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You know the funny thing SHANKSTER, I have friends on this Forum that will be more than happy to sell this scope on here IF i decide to do it. The only warranty will be through NF. There have been ALOT of NF scopes for sale that have been painted on this site, so you will never know who really owned any product.. Thanks for the Idea

Oh, and nice to know your perfectly willing to rip one of us off out of spite. Poking fun is one thing, ripping them for hard earned money is an entirely different one.

BUT, will they still sell it for you after seeing you say this in your thread? I know I wouldn't want to be attached to it, were I them.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

Hey jack I would buy it. Scope is still tough as nails. I think you should take the little set screws out and take the cap off. You should be able to clean things up that way.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jackalope33B</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You know the funny thing SHANKSTER, I have friends on this Forum that will be more than happy to sell this scope on here IF i decide to do it. The only warranty will be through NF. There have been ALOT of NF scopes for sale that have been painted on this site, so you will never know who really owned any product.. Thanks for the Idea

Wow!!!!! What a statement there, buddy! If you personally sell it, please state in your for sale info what you experienced. It's only fair for anyone who buys it. It's called INTEGRITY. Now, if your friends sell it for you without stating anything, then you and your friends are SHIT BAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

Great 'motivational' Shank.

FYI, they didn't sand blast it (thats for cars and shit like that) so if they media blasted it, it would have been with glass beads in a media blaster. Glass beads are WAY finer than sand media so you should just sent it to NF and let them tear it down clean it and sent it back. You'll never get all the glass out yourself.
Re: Night Force problem .. need help!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Jackalope33B</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ok, so ALOT of you guys have made your points as far as how your not supposed to sandblast a scope to rough it up. Really, how many times are you going to post the same topic as others? Your just wording it different. Just for clarification, there is NO sand inside of the scope. There was a little bit under the elevation and windage knob. But that cleaned up fairly easy.
Its the same situation with the parallax knob. There is some (when I say "SOME", I mean a few grits or so) sand under the knob, NOT in the scope. I seriously doubt that sand got past several O-Rings that keeps your scope water proof, and made its way into the scope body. If thats the case, then NF scopes would not be used overseas.


They aren't repeating themselves. Just reminding you how stupid it is to media blast a scope. I'm sure our boys overseas aren't seeing a whole lot of water and scuba diving snipering. You have been educated, now you get to pay for your mishap.