And why do all the media (Fox included) keep calling this un-hinged twat... Persian.
Ok... here's some news for you. This bitch is Iranian! IRAN.. Like... the fu*($ing Hostage-taking Mullah Muslim Whack-job retard goat-fu**ing Iranians.
She is not Persian. Unless I missed the memo that we had suddenly retrograded t0 1860. When Persia was a place. Ish. Since then, we had the Ottoman Empire, the interim period where noone-gave-a-crap, the Mosgadeh three weeks... the Eisenhower coup... the great Shah... the Carter and Stansfield-Turner-suck-my-dick-Navy-idiot rebellion, the Ayatollah idiocy and his straphangers who we should have nuked... the 2Gen crazoids who could have been dealt with in 2009... and the new bunch of nuke-building Obama-muggers who were running the White House through his wet-nanny Valeria Jarrett, who is no more American than Che Guevara.
But I digress....
The stupid b*%$h is an Iranian Vegan Feminist Leftist twat. She can burn in Hell.... but the Pope said there is no Hell. And she is now just a misunderstood SJW.
Bomb-bomb-bomb... bomb-bomb Iran.... (Sung to Beach Boys...) Nuke them until they glow, shoot them after dark, drill through 5" of glass to get to the oil. We have the technology. Turn those standing on the sand over the oil... into cinders for all I care.