Various forms of tree reticles seem to be very popular these days, and I can understand their merits,
Is there anyone here who prefers a non tree reticle for PRS or general long range practical shooting?
I’m going to upgrading my scope soon and I get 50/50 recommendations on tree vs non-tree reticles, but I think I would prefer the less cluttered look of a non tree. I don’t shoot PRS yet, but I’m going to be shooting my first 2 matches this summer.
Is there anyone here who prefers a non tree reticle for PRS or general long range practical shooting?
I’m going to upgrading my scope soon and I get 50/50 recommendations on tree vs non-tree reticles, but I think I would prefer the less cluttered look of a non tree. I don’t shoot PRS yet, but I’m going to be shooting my first 2 matches this summer.