I took a 6 point buck with my new 7mm-08 AI - sorry no camera on the hunt. This is the lightest bullet I have ever used on deer, but it performed flawlessly. My hand loads give me an average MV of 3223 FPS. I took a head-on shot, where neck and chest meet, at a distance of 207 yards. This large bodied buck was dead before he hit the ground. Lungs were jellied and just little pieces of heart remained - damn. Didn't find the bullet and there was no exit wound. I've read this bullet performs well and now I'm a believer!
Weather was the worst its been in years. Low teens and 15 -22 MPH winds made for a miserable hunt.
Weather was the worst its been in years. Low teens and 15 -22 MPH winds made for a miserable hunt.