Re: Nosler Vs. Laupua Case life 308
The Frankford Arsenal "Super Annealing Machine" looks pretty cool. Battery powered even! Very cool.
Regarding Nosler Brass, to me, it is great Match quality brass. I make no claims on how many firings it will hold up for.
Be forewarned! What follows is my opinion only!
But I would use Nosler brass if I <span style="font-weight: bold">HAD</span> to make a very precise (Bench Rest precise) shot. Nosler brass comes pre-sorted by weight, which eliminates one necessary and time consuming "bench rest accuracy" task. Having all the cases weighing the same is critical.
Second, that brass would be shot no more than 4 times (worse case scenario) which includes the final Precision shot that I just <span style="font-weight: bold">HAD</span> to make.
<span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">1st Shot</span></span> accomplishes two things.
A - It fire forms the brass to my exact chamber. This is absolutely critical (from my experience at least) for making Bench Rest Quality shots.
B - It is used to determine the ideal accuracy load. This is done by making and shooting a <span style="font-weight: bold">"Load Ladder"</span> in conjuction with fire forming. There are many different ways to do a <span style="font-weight: bold">"Load Ladder"</span> so I'll save that for later.
<span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">2nd Shot</span></span> verifies the findings of the <span style="font-weight: bold">Load Ladder</span> you conducted in step 1. Since Nosler Brass is pre-sorted by weight, your Load Ladder should give you your ideal load for your rifle.
<span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">3rd Shot</span></span> - But sometimes load ladder results aren't so clear in which case you would have to make and fire another Load Ladder. If <span style="font-weight: bold">not</span> required, <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">3rd Shot</span></span> becomes <span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">Final Shot</span></span> (see below).
If that second load ladder is required, then it would be a "targeted" or "precision" load ladder. With the results of your 1st load ladder you can pin-point the exact area, or areas, that you want to hone in on. Load for those areas, shoot and verify those loads. That second load ladder should provide you with the exact, load or loads, you will want to load for.
<span style="text-decoration: underline"><span style="font-weight: bold">Final Shot</span></span> - For the Day when Zombies try to take over the Earth.
You've perfected your exact precision load so you take that Nosler Brass, reload it as precisely as possible and then store those rounds in a manner which they will not corrode.
Here's the kicker. Since barrels change with every shot (and thus accuracy changes with every shot), the rifle needing to make that one perfect shot should be stored <span style="font-weight: bold">and NOT FIRED</span> along with the ammo.
Does that SUCK or what!
You see, that's what bench rest shooters do. They will practice with one rifle that they can shoot all they want and change barrels on when necessary. This rifle is used for delevoping technique and muscle memory for shooting perfect groups in a variety of conditions (calm, wind, rain, low and high humidity, low and high temperature, etc.)
They only use the Special Rifle for shooting Matches or for confirming their scope's zero prior to a match. It remains an EXACT <span style="font-weight: bold">known quantity</span> as much as possible.
My ideal Zombie rifle would have an identical twin (as much as possible) that I could train with. Practice makes Perfect, and that one perfect shot is taken with an exact known quantity.
And just to think, this doesn't even go into what is required for determining your exact Cold Bore shot!
So much for that. It is nothing more than one guys opinion. And opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink. good luck and good shooting!