Because you are only shooting 1 round at each charge weight, there are too many factors (e.g., wind, barrel fouling, trigger pull, etc.) that could negatively influence (skew) the results of a ladder test. For this reason, I prefer to use the OCW technique at a distance of 100 yards. This will factor out most of the wind effects, while providing data that is easily interpreted. Because the OCW technique uses 3-shot groups at each charge weight, taken in a round-robin fashion until you've been through all targets 3 times each, it spreads the error factor across all groups equally. You also get get 3 shots at each charge weight -- rather than the ladder test's one shot. So, if the barrel fouls and becomes inaccurate after 8 or 10 shots, the effects will be evident in all groups tested. This will yield more meaningful data, and is statistically superior to the conventional ladder test method.