Thanks... But the HTI makes the task VERY easy !!!
Being so impressed with what my SRS does i purchased the HTI with 2 barrel conversion ,s.....375CT and 50BMG. The original intent was that 375CT would be the primary round used in the HTI and 50BMG just bought out for "special occasions" .
As it has transpired..... the 50BMG combined with the HTI has stunned me with how accurate and consistent it is at extended ranges!! I have fallen "in love" with this combo!
Just last week i had a couple of young shooting friends come out who were very keen to have a shot of the 50......both had never shot a 50 before. We set the same plate up at 1000yds. The first effort produced a 3 from 3 6" group on the plate centralised!! The second did 2 from 2 just below centre of the dot.... A hell of an effort considering it was their first effort with the 50 and not being their own rifle. Both made the comment that they have never felt so confident in a certain hit at that distance..
I originally purchased 200 factory Hornady 750 Amax rounds to use...but now that i am hooked i Have purchased 1500 Hornady 750gr Amax projectiles and 20KG of AR2218 powder and a 2000 RWS primers. Just learning to de crimp and seat the primers correctly and load my first rounds.
Much fun ahead!!