Throughout grade school age, we learn about our parent's appreciation of their music. Getting towards High School, we start to rebel and pick our own music (likely different from that we grew up with up to that point). After graduation from High School though- there's a very limited window, I'd estimate 5-10 years max, to appreciate new music. After that- it's all crap.
Doesn't matter what 'generation' you fall into, you at least understand your parents music -> that fed into your choices in high school, and after graduation you had to work with at best 5-10 years of music appreciation on your own before the majority of us stopped understanding "pop culture".
Good lord- I should likely be high as a kite for saying that but I wouldn't even know where to begin to get whatever mind altering substances that are available even today.
But that's my theory and I'm sticking with it for now.
Doesn't matter what 'generation' you fall into, you at least understand your parents music -> that fed into your choices in high school, and after graduation you had to work with at best 5-10 years of music appreciation on your own before the majority of us stopped understanding "pop culture".
Good lord- I should likely be high as a kite for saying that but I wouldn't even know where to begin to get whatever mind altering substances that are available even today.
But that's my theory and I'm sticking with it for now.