Rifle Scopes optics advice

hey hide gurus, i need some wisdom here. im looking into a new scope for a long range 7mm Rem Mag custom build and im considering 3 different brands. i need wisdom more so on one vs the other two. I have shot NF and Leupold Mk4 but i have a buddy who is swearing USO is 10x the scope these two are and im having a hard time buying into it (especially since hes never shot through one himself). So please enlighten me on this heavenly scope. Its not too much more than the NF NSX's and they have very similar features per power and model so i guess im looking for first hand experience from you all. In case anyone needs to know the application for the rifle is LR target and the gun had a Leo Mk4 but im putting that scope on my wifes new 700p 223. Thank you for your time and i look forward to your help.

I have had a ST-10 and now an SN-3 3-17. I have been behind every high end scope under the sun: Premier, Hansholt, March, S&B, ect. (Advantage of shooting competitions at TVP you get to see all the cool toys). Prior to buying my USOs I had SWFA fixed power scopes which were nice but there was a point when I knew the downside of my score and weapon system was my optic. When this happened I started looking for an optic. Clarity at long range is king. Magnification isn't as big as long as your have good eyesight. I didn't think this was true until I was shown that even at 2200 yards when I looked at a target through a Premier at lower power I could still see shadows in bushes and around rocks. Looked at the same thing through my scope at a higher power and it looked like a kids finger painting.

Thats when I knew I had to save up my coin and get a higher end optic. The biggest advantages the USOs have over some of the others are the ability to build your scope exactly how you want it, and the fact it's tougher than heck. Those are the two things in my opinion it has over any other brand. On clarity this item is 100% debatable but I think my scope is on par with almost any other of the brands listed above and sitting side by side it is easily better than a Leo Mk4 or a NF. Two options I would highly recommend in purchasing a USO is the EREK knob (kind of a pain to zero but once you do you have 100min of up travel and a zero stop almost anywhere in the zero range) and internal bubble level. This is king when trying to make fast follow up shots using hold over in wind.

Regardless of the brand FFP is also king in my opinion because always knowing your sub-tense are dead on no matter what the power range makes follow ups and corrections extremely fast.

Good luck,
You also need to consider Steiner, S&B, Nightforce and Kahles. Try to get behind some of these at the range before taking the plunge. USO builds great scopes, but may take months to get what you want if you order. Once you decide what you want, try to find it here on the Hide used and if you're not impressed, you can always sell it for minimal loss and try another.
Hey guys GREAT info and I sure appreciate the break down. Sounds like USO is a good bet. I live in AZ so getting behind some glass shouldn't be an issue every one here owns their own armory Wild West here in az. For those of you who asked s&b is way out of my range currently but with a little self control and saving up I can easily get my hands on a USO. My limit now is 2000. But like I said I can save up. I appreciate all the advice here. And Merritt rock on bud sounds like you've got it all dialed in! Your where I would like to be in a few years as far as shooting goes. Much appreciated everyone. Off to the range!


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