Glad to see the New/Old Hide is back! I've been asked if it was possible to move the "Rem 40X Repeater Conversion and the Shop of Your Choice" thread to this site, but the only option is to cut and paste. Since the concept of the project has evolved away from the "Shop of Your Choice" part, I decided to start a modified version of the old thread. As some of you already know, I'm in the process of re-locating my Lab to the North East and the only other shop that has been involved with performing my conversion is Modacam Custom Rifles (Jonathan Elrod). I expect my shop to be fully functional soon; machines starting to arrive next week (snow permitting).
This venture has certainly grown and has been very well accepted and supported, especially by the "40X Mafia" in Colorado. Magazines are plentiful and easily obtained and as a lot of you already know, the conversion design/process is rock solid. The path forward from here is a good one for the serious rimfire shooter and I'll keep everyone updated as the new Lab comes online.
This venture has certainly grown and has been very well accepted and supported, especially by the "40X Mafia" in Colorado. Magazines are plentiful and easily obtained and as a lot of you already know, the conversion design/process is rock solid. The path forward from here is a good one for the serious rimfire shooter and I'll keep everyone updated as the new Lab comes online.