As always @sandwarrior .. your replies are much appreciated sir! Especially on most things Mauser related! ThanksThe 7x57 can do 2700 with 168's no question. Powder and barrel length help a lot. That's the highest I could shoot as my 7x57's have looser twists that won't stabilize 175's.
The original 7x57's did almost 2500 (2460~ish?)with 173 gr. bullets. They were toned down a bit as most military rounds are. I say most as 5.56 is NOT toned down. Also, way better powders are available for it now.
As far as I know, the Brazilian Marines have not fired them (M85) in anger. The Malaysian Paskal have. Insurrections and radical islamic activity have required their use. 'Where and when' are not known specifically. Only that they were used. Those are the only two 'known' units to adopt them.
However, SAS had also adopted them (unofficially) in limited numbers and supposedly they were used in hostilities. The 'where and when' of those is still classified, IF they were used.
Did Parker Hale produce their own barrels in house? Or possibly sourced them from the likes of Schultz & Larsen, Lothar Walther, Tikka/Sako, FN, or one of the other main Euro barrel makers?
Don’t wanna speak too soon.. but y’all very well could possibly be talking to the newest hiree at Bergara barrels! They have two entry level positions open right down the road from me and im sure im getting on their nerves at this point in repeatedly asking for a interview

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