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Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

To Whom this May Concern -

My name is Mike and I'm the Web Supervisor at Botach Tactical. Over the past 4 months, I have been on boards across the internet, helping people who have had terrible experiences and pending orders with Botach Tactical. Please know that we have been working diligently to improve our Customer Service, however unfortunately bad situations happen. I'm here to try and help those who have had a bad situation happen.

Please allow me the opportunity to rectify problems that are presently going on. I offer same day response through email ([email protected]) Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm PST. and Friday 9am-2pm PST. You can also contact me by phone at 323-420-3693 (It will go to voicemail, however I will respond within 48 hours Monday - Friday)

For those who have had bad situations in the past or who are on this board to gather opinions, please know that every situation is different. Resellerratings has 400 negative reviews about us between 2003 and yesterday, and while that is disconcerning, we do ship out 300-400 orders every single day. Happy people generally don't post on complaint boards. Please email me with any questions, whether it's about the company or you would like to check availiabilty of an item, and I'll be more than happy to get you the answer that you need. If something is on back order for 2 months, I will tell you that so that you can make the decision that's best suited for your situation.

Every day is different than the day before and we will, as we have been doing for the past 20 years, continue to improve and make changes necessary to get to 100% customer satisfaction. Please allow me the opportunity to try.

Web Supervisor
Botach Tactical
[email protected] / 323-420-3693 (Please leave a voicemail, otherwise I can't call you back)
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You have your work cut out for you. Good luck.</div></div>
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Hey Mike. You might consider contacting the SH staff about becoming a sponsor of the site. Makes sense that if you use the forum to try to clear up the company name, the company could kick in a little something-something.

I might be off base with this, but you might ask.

Good luck with the new job.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Youve got a long row to hoe. After a couple trys I gave up.

You advertise some incredably low prices but ive found its not worth the stress and grief dealing with a company that just about guaranteed to screw me.

Not just internet BS but personal experience. Hopefully you can make a difference and change for the better, good luck
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

When they first fired up Botach defense I received excellent service. I had a some what confusing order and someone called me to confirm the sizes. Other than that bright spot I cannot really say much really good or bad.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Your predecessor already tried this line...

I've ordered from Botach before and had mixed performance. It felt like dealing with a shitbag PVT. On rare occasion they are on the spot with no problems. Other times I have to call 10 times to get someone with a pulse or a returned phone call. Holding up an order for weeks with no contact because the item I ordered is out of stock in the color I requested but in stock in another color is absolutely unacceptable to me. <span style="color: #FF0000"> ETA: You could have had a satisfied customer with a 2 minute phone call saying "We don't have the coyote in stock, would you prefer it in black instead?" DONE!</span>

I don't like having to deal with BS when placing an order and except for a few vendors from this site (who are well known to provide outstanding customer service) I refuse to order from any website that doesn't show whether an item is in stock or not.

I can honestly say that three things will have to happen before I ever think about placing another order at Botach: Live in-stock status on their website, improved contact and CS, and THEY BECOME AN APPROVED VENDOR IN GOOD STANDING ON THE HIDE.

Until then, Triad, SWFA, and the rest will have every last bit of my business. I will probably be dropping $10-15k in weapons, gear and ammunition over the next year, and I doubt your company will be seeing any of it, but the ball is in your court Mike at Botach.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

It would be one thing if I were just taking the word of the world wide web, but there are four people on my team who have ordered from Botach.

I am the only one who got what I ordered in a reasonable amount of time.

It is rare that I speak to another person who has had a favorable transaction with Botach.

In fact if you get more than ten cops or soldiers in one place you can bet at least one of them has had a bad experience with Botach. I can't speak the name without someone mentioning bad service.

Will I still purchase....that all depends. The fact is that when I made my first purchase with Botach I did so with the full knowledge that I might have to contact my CC company to dispute the charges. THAT deal was too good for me to pass up and amazingly went well. If I found name brand ceramic plates listed for that price again, I would probably place another order, but I would also be rolling the dice AGAIN.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

This is also funny, I have made three orders all which took over a month to see my item which said "In stock" and my brother just waited two months for one magazine to show up. The guys on my shooting team all have had a bad experiance purchasing from you in the past. Most whome don't post online at all. What you are trying to do is sew up a jute bag, what you didn't know is it was going to hold water so all your work was pointless. Now if you would have started out knowing you were to hold water you would have gotten another bag. But now its to late and your all wet with your jute bag asking everyone else for a towl to cover up your mistake. Problem is the mistake is visible for everyone.
You could always try to do a Mark LaRue and start giving away free stuff to cover your mistakes. JMHO
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Funny how he comes on here, doesn't fill out his profile, isn't in orange as a sponsor, AND has yet to return to talk about any of what's being posted.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Chiller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">an uphill battle.

still has me wondering if I should try.</div></div>

Funny you should mention trying. Every time that I've considered a Botach order or gotten close to one there has been a thread popping up about being screwed by them.

I'll be interested to see where this leads, but I'm not holding my breath.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I ordered from Botach a couple years ago and had a similar poor experience. Last month or so, I decided to give them another shot as they were selling a product I needed for 60% less than the closest competitor. I was skeptical, but figured what the heck. I immediately received a confirming email with a link indicating the shipping status--which for some reason never changed to indicate that the items, listed as in stock, had shipped. I called Botach to discuss the status, and left a message on their voice mail. Within 24 hours I received a phone call back from Botach CS. By that time their tracking system status had been updated. 3 days later I received the order as promised.

My frugality convinced me to give Botach another chance and they did not disappoint.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYS338</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Funny how he comes on here, doesn't fill out his profile, isn't in orange as a sponsor, AND has yet to return to talk about any of what's being posted. </div></div>

I'm working to repair our reputation (one that says we aren't attentive enough in customer service), and spending time on these boards to fill out profiles and participate in discussions is not condusive with this goal. I have a tremendous amount of respect for these communities and I'm not here for any other reason than to let people know that Botach is working out our kinks and that I've made myself available to handle any ongoing issues or address any concerns about the company. The best way to do this is through email, so please contact me at [email protected], as I won't be regularly checking my personal messages on here.

Are you reluctant to order from us because of reputation or past experience? Email me with the items that you're interested in, and I can see if we have them in stock. If back ordered, I'll give you an ETA so that you know what you're looking at and can explore other options if needed.

I hope everybody has Happy and Safe Holidays!

Botach Tactical
Web Manager
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

It would almost be worth placing an order to give him a chance. That way he could have the chance to make good, and if a decent followthrough doesn't occur, someone would have the right to call BS.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

i just don't understand the mashocistic tendencies of some that like getting fuck-up-the tookis and come back for more....when institutional memory if rife with deals gone sour to straight out lies abound on this site.....

pity the fool that deals with scammers that do not complete a profile
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Unknown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It would almost be worth placing an order to give him a chance. That way he could have the chance to make good, and if a decent followthrough doesn't occur, someone would have the right to call BS.</div></div>

I vote you test this theory with your wallet, mine is staying secure in my pocket.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: was21</div><div class="ubbcode-body">" Quoth the raven....... NEVERMORE"

</div></div>Very nice!
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Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.


If you are really serious I wish you godspeed and good luck. I had two bad experiences with Botach. I'm an idiot for having two, I should have remembered the first one and never ordered again. Anyway, I did order a second time and Botach sent me something I did not order and then refused to deal with me via email or on the phone to facilitate a return. I had to contest the purchase with my credit card company and Botach did not reply until VISA got Botach and me on the phone to execute the return. At this point Botach refused to pay the return shipping!

It will be a long time before I am convinced that there is not fraud at Botach. Good luck.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Something tells me that this will not end well. I understand that any company will have a poor CS relationship now and again, but not near as often as you hear of them from Botach. I have a feeling that this ship has sailed and you have left to many customers with the bad taste of your CS.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I am not refuting the above statements but I have to say I have ordered from Botach numerous times and never had a problem. In fact I ordered a couple pairs of pants from them that were on clearance and when they arrived they were a bit too large so I got on the web chat and got an RMA and they shipped me out my replacements that day before they got my return back. Went very smoothly. I do know from all the other stories that if I really need something in a hurry, don't count on Botach due to the possibility of them messing it up, but that has not happened to me yet.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mr.Kirk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There's got to be a special place in hell for folks who make a living fucking enlisted men out of what little money they have.


That should be printed on a shirt! I'd rock it!lol
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

A smart man learns from his mistakes. I wise man learns from other's mistakes. I will not be buying anything Botach Tact. and will make my purchases with Hide site sponsors. Thank you sir, but no thank you.

Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Hi, my name is Vajayjaypunisher and I am a rep with Botach. I want you to all trust me and send me more money, I assure you I will send you some shit that is weak. When you inquire about said piece of chit I will tell you to go F your mother. I am here to make right what was never wrong and to tell you we are awsome and you are all fucktards. What do you all expect from us, to be like SWFA or Triad? ninja please!
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: jasonk</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Chiller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">an uphill battle.

still has me wondering if I should try.</div></div>

Funny you should mention trying. Every time that I've considered a Botach order or gotten close to one there has been a thread popping up about being screwed by them.

I'll be interested to see where this leads, but I'm not holding my breath. </div></div>

to pull the trigger or not......
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nly205</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." </div></div>

all too aware......
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Mike at botach, I don't know why it isn't obvious, and I'm not trying to be a dick just for the sake of being one, but it really seems like getting you name on this list is step one to making any headway on this forum. If your not a sponsor there is no accountability and it makes you seem like your not interested in being a part of our community except to hustle us for money.

Actually you using this forum as a direct springboard to garner and repair old buisness without contributing is kindof a FU to the board its owner/moderators and us in general.

Until you get your name here: http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=412593#Post412593

I don't see you getting much love on this forum.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nly205</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mike at botach, I don't know why it isn't obvious, and I'm not trying to be a dick just for the sake of being one, but it really seems like getting you name on this list is step one to making any headway on this forum. If your not a sponsor there is no accountability and it makes you seem like your not interested in being a part of our community except to hustle us for money.

Actually you using this forum as a direct springboard to garner and repair old buisness without contributing is kindof a FU to the board its owner/moderators and us in general.

Until you get your name here: http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=412593#Post412593

I don't see you getting much love on this forum.

If nothing more it would indicate some long term sincerity as opposed to "just words".......
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I've ordered from Botach before. You are all good if they have the item in stock. The prices are good.

But if it isn't in stock you are screwed. There isn't anything on the site to say if it is in stock or not. It is difficult if not impossible getting a hold of anyone by phone. They don't response to internet queries. I finally got part of my order after almost 1 month after playing phone tag with them. I canceled the rest of my order since they did not have it in stock.

I think email and actually responsing to them would be a great idea. Not everyone is able to call during working hours and actually get lucky enough to get a hold of Botach staff. Some people have jobs to work at during normal working hours.

Again realiable email communication would be great.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Last year - and before I heard any of this - I ordered an ACOG from Botach. The price was right, and the scope arrived reasonably quickly (week and a half if I recall correctly - from the West coast to the East coast). I was happy with that order. I needed to clarify something and both called and emailed. One email was lost or ignored - the subsequent ones were properly answered. All communications were polite.

Just to show that at least <span style="text-decoration: underline">some</span> orders were filled properly and in a timely fashion.

<span style="font-style: italic">Of course I've no idea what would've happened if they didn't have that ACOG in stock. Luckily for me they did.</span>
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I ordered an ACOG from them 2 years ago, honored the 20% off anything on the website despite putting the price below dealer cost at the time. arrived on time during the Christmas rush as promised by Botach even only paying the standard reasonable shipping costs. just my experience I know others have varied
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Mike, from a business standpoint your company is operating wrong.

Yourself surfing the web all day, going from forum to forum, doesn't speak to me as fixing the problem. It sounds more like a public relations campaign, and a poorly planned one.

Try this line

"Upon reviewing customer complaints we have isolated the weak link in our chain and have promptly and thoroughly removed it. As always at Botach Tactical, you, the customer, are our strongest link."

After that, and what you just said, if your company screws up, then it might want to dig a shallow grave for itself.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Ironically I placed an order with you guys last weekend. It took 4 days to get an email to let me know both items were out of stock. The prices were very good though and thats what made me give your company another try. I have not ordered from you guys in like 6 years. My experience has been OK. Some bad, some good.

For me, its always rolling the dice with Botach. I know if I can get the item I want, the price will be really good and it will ship out if its in stock.

On the other hand, if its out of stock or delayed shipping, the customer service has been unresponsive and always somewhat incompetent at best. If I call up there and ask about my order I always leave the phone call with the feeling there is mass chaos and disorganization at your business. Not very re-assuring that I will ever get my stuff.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Mike, what do you have to say about asking for dealer samples for an item, then copying said item? When the original mker asks you about said item, you offer to sell to him at OVER the price he opriginally offered to sell you his product at?
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ArmaHeavy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mike, from a business standpoint your company is operating wrong.

Yourself surfing the web all day, going from forum to forum, doesn't speak to me as fixing the problem. It sounds more like a public relations campaign, and a poorly planned one.

Try this line

"Upon reviewing customer complaints we have isolated the weak link in our chain and have promptly and thoroughly removed it. As always at Botach Tactical, you, the customer, are our strongest link."

After that, and what you just said, if your company screws up, then it might want to dig a shallow grave for itself. </div></div>

I have been watching this thread & hesitate to contribute, being that I'm a competing business for some of the products they offer. However, I have personal experince with them as well & it did not turn out well. From a business owner standpoint, I can empathize in some ways as the hardest part of owning & running a business is providing exceptional customer service 24/7. The best of intentions can be ruined if a shipment gets delayed, an email request accidentally gets sent to the Junk/Span folder, etc. Their problem is they are more concerned with making the sale, any sale, before they put into place an efficient inventory management system & customer service apparatus. Without identifying & implimenting needed changes in Botach's <span style="font-style: italic">order fulfillment system & customer communication system</span>, ordering from them will be a crapshoot.

Just how practical, from a long term standpoint, is emailing Mike EVERY time you want to verify inventory availability? He claims that they are shipping over 300 packages a DAY! Imagine if just half of those customers emailed him before placing their order. He'll need a dozen interns working email requests. What happens if he has a meeting, goes on vacation, etc.?

His offering is interesting & probably genuine but is nothing but a PR campaign in its current structure. It is in no way practical nor a solution to their systemic problems. I wouldn't hold my breath on a customer service improvement from them anytime soon...
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Mike(Botach) - You have forgotten who the customer is.

I ordered an item, waited..... and waited..... and waited.....After two weeks I called for an update, and waited two more days before I got a reply to my inquiry.

What good is a cheap price if it is not in stock?

My money is green and is walking to another vendor who is more attentive, has inventory in stock, and answers the phone when I call.

Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nly205</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mike at botach, I don't know why it isn't obvious, and I'm not trying to be a dick just for the sake of being one, but it really seems like getting you name on this list is step one to making any headway on this forum. If your not a sponsor there is no accountability and it makes you seem like your not interested in being a part of our community except to hustle us for money.

Actually you using this forum as a direct springboard to garner and repair old buisness without contributing is kindof a FU to the board its owner/moderators and us in general.

Until you get your name here: http://www.snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=412593#Post412593

I don't see you getting much love on this forum.

I understand. My intentions aren't to offend anybody here, nor am I here to panhandle for new business. I know, based on doing this over the past few months, that there are people sitting back who have just conceded. There are people who are directed to this board because they're looking for methods to contact Customer Service, they want to see similar stories to their situations, etc. I'm not trying to censor or change anybody's minds; if you had a bad experience, it's going to stay with you... I get it. I wasn't given the job to sit on different boards all day as a PR campaign, I took it upon myself to be proactive. The results, thus far, have proven this to be effective. If doing this helps 5-10 customers per day, it's more than it would have fixed had I not posted in the first place. I've spent some time with Customer Service and I've come across lots of problems, most of which were easily fixable. Knowing and seeing what went on has helped me with this task, because I see where the cracks are. It may not seem like it, but the amount of people who are dissatisfied with Botach are really just a fraction compared to the amount of orders that we put out. For the 20 people who may have a complaint, there's over 1000 orders that went out without a hitch. We value every customer we get and ideally, there would be 100% customer satisfaction. Every company strives for perfection, but it's difficult to obtain... but that won't stop us from working towards it.

While I may work for a merchant, I'm also a consumer in my everyday life. If I had a terrible experience at a restaurant, I'm going to tell my friends and family, so they don't have the same experience. If five months later I'm told that they had new management, a new chef, I may reconsider or I may not, but at least it's a change in the right direction. If a company wants to stay around and stay competitive, they have to constantly change their technology, protocols, and methods. It's easy to say what we need to do to improve, and we recognize those things, however if things were so 'easy' and 'obvious', it would be done that way. There are reasons that certain things are the way they are. If people want live inventory available when ordering, Botach isn't the place (at this moment in time) to find it. People come to Botach because we have the best prices. In regards to customer service, all I can say is that it's a continuous work in progress, but we are always working on it. We are in no way satisfied with the way things are, however due to the amount of orders that we get every day, any change that needs to be implemented has to be done gradually.

If you had a really bad experience, it's your money, you should spend it wherever you feel most comfortable. All that I can do is help those who still have issues that need tending to, and continue to take part in continuous quest to become more efficient. Please know that I have a tremendous amount of respect for these communities. I've come on here for the reason to make people aware of a different way to get problems solved. I don't want to be involved in back and forths to defend my intentions because my time is better used helping to fix our problems. If anybody has any questions that they'd like answered, please feel free to email me at [email protected] and I'm more than happy to answer them, look into orders, or whatever else may be the issue.

I hope everybody has a happy and safe holiday!

Botach Tactical
Web Supervisor
[email protected]