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Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Since live inventory status isn't possible, well a very simple e-mail notification that something isn't in stock when the order is processed can do wonders.

I think pretty much everyone has the same complaint. Place order, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, still nothing, finally call to get someone on the phone or live chat to discover something isn't in stock.

The customer shouldn't have to call or e-mail you to find out what is going on. If you can't ship when the order is received, YOU need to let the customer know that.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I have to ask why a real-time inventory system isn't possible. I can't think of any vendors I use that don't offer it. The largest to the smallest online vendors are capable of accurate online status reports of inventory.
I would propose that a company this day in age, and one that does the volume of business as yours, the choice is on purpose. A business model. After all you can't sell something you don't have, or can you? You offer great prices on just about everything. You ship what you can and hope to keep the others on the hook and deliver when you can, if you can. These are the folks that would have come to your website and upon discovering you were out of stock just moved on to another vendor. Your business model allows you to sell them regardless.
Truth In Inventory is all that is needed to improve 90% of the issues people have with your company. Only when you achieve this will I consider being a customer or yours.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Triad</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Mike, I forwarded your PM to the Mods so they could help you out with becoming a sponsor here on the Hide. </div></div>

Seems like this would be the first step in reconciliation. A very small price to pay and resistance to do so, just confirms what most people think about your company already.

You just can't make some people do the right thing. You can show them the path. But they have to make the choice.

Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I don't post much here. I won't go into my ordeal with Botach. All I have to say is this, Yes, I was refunded my money for my order, FINALLY!!!!

I had to dispute the charges, I was made to feel like I was a crook, even though it was my money. I was blatantly lied to. Like I said, I was FINALLY refunded my money, I was not refunded any of the 6 to 8 hours of time it took to fix the issue that was the problem. A $100 issue.

The time I lost was worth more than the products I was ordering.

I will not be ordering anything from Botach again....ever! I realize everyone has opinions, and you are entitled to yours, as far as mine, every CS agent at Botach deserves to be Donkey Punched.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Retoocs</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Since live inventory status isn't possible, well a very simple e-mail notification that something isn't in stock when the order is processed can do wonders.

I think pretty much everyone has the same complaint. Place order, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, still nothing, finally call to get someone on the phone or live chat to discover something isn't in stock.

The customer shouldn't have to call or e-mail you to find out what is going on. If you can't ship when the order is received, YOU need to let the customer know that. </div></div>

lol come one man, almost every gunparts website I use has live inventory. If they dont I only work over the phone with them.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mike at Botach</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYS338</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Funny how he comes on here, doesn't fill out his profile, isn't in orange as a sponsor, AND has yet to return to talk about any of what's being posted. </div></div>

I'm working to repair our reputation (one that says we aren't attentive enough in customer service), and spending time on these boards to fill out profiles and participate in discussions is not condusive with this goal. I have a tremendous amount of respect for these communities and I'm not here for any other reason than to let people know that Botach is working out our kinks and that I've made myself available to handle any ongoing issues or address any concerns about the company. The best way to do this is through email, so please contact me at [email protected], as I won't be regularly checking my personal messages on here.

Are you reluctant to order from us because of reputation or past experience? Email me with the items that you're interested in, and I can see if we have them in stock. If back ordered, I'll give you an ETA so that you know what you're looking at and can explore other options if needed.

I hope everybody has Happy and Safe Holidays!

Botach Tactical
Web Manager </div></div>

I think until you, as a vendor, get in contact with the owner of this site you should not be on here trying to "repair" anything business related. You have to pay Lowlight to benefit from his site as a company entity. That is a simple and printed rule. Coming on here to freely fix your poorly run business and not pay dues it a slap in the face to the vendors that HAVE PAID and given donations to the 2 shooting events.

My opinion only but then again you are asking for it.....
I hope you get sorted out because right now it sounds like you have very few supporters due to past instances.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

The first time I ordered something from BoTach the transaction went well. The next time, I received an e-mail about free shipping on certain items (holster for my Glock) so I decided to pick one up and since they were shipping to me anyway (and giving me a good deal) I added another holster (not on clearance) so they would ship together. Well, since the second item wasn't an item with "free shipping" they charged me shipping on the order!! I was trying to throw them a little more business and totally got the shaft.

I subscribe to the "burn me once, shame on you - burn me twice, shame on me" principle so I'll look elsewhere when spending my $$....
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I ordered an Atlas bipod from them yesterday. I have not dealt with them before. I ran across this thread today. I searched for a place that showed them in stock but could not find one. I called accushot and they let me know there would be some wait to get one as their site says so I figured if I have to wait I might as well go to the company who has a lower price with the 10% off cupon code. I will update for everyones benifit as to how the order goes.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Ive ordered several times from them and the only problem I had was one item wasnt in stock and was backordered. One week later, I got an email saying that it was in stock and it was going to ship out. I like the site but "live" inventory would be a plus.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I have only ordered from Botach once. I used the live help to find out if the item was in stock before I ordered. Everything went fine.

I have heard and read every manner of negative feedback from Botach so I order knowing things can go wrong, and I order accordingly. Never order something I need in a timely fashion. Always inquire about the status of an item before purchase.

I would say that becoming a sponsor on the different boards will help your image. I have heard that some boards would not allow you to be a sponsor because they do not to be associated with your company. I wish you the best of luck with your new job and I hope you turn things around. If you want to make your life easier you might want to tell the owners of Botach to change the name of your company and put it under new management.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.


I don't have a dog in this fight at this time, however, a few statements you made don't foster any warm fuzzies in me.

<span style="font-style: italic">"I wasn't given the job to sit on different boards all day as a PR campaign, <span style="font-weight: bold">I took it upon myself to be proactive."
</span>This sounds like you are a well meaning single individual in the company who, without the direction of senior managment, have taken on this issue. While heroic, what happens when you go away? Will there be another "well meaning single individual" who will step in to cover the ass of upper management? On this site, we are used to having company principles come on here to discuss the seriousness of their problems, not just hired hands (no offense to you intended).

<span style="font-style: italic">"We are in no way satisfied with the way things are, however due to the amount of orders that we get every day, <span style="font-weight: bold">any change that needs to be implemented has to be done <span style="text-decoration: underline">gradually"</span></span>.
You guys have a SERIOUS problem that demands immediate attention, not gradual attention. This sounds like, once again, your senior management doesn't fundamentally get what is happening.

<span style="font-style: italic"> "I've come on here for the reason <span style="text-decoration: underline">to make people aware of a different way to get problems solved."</span>
Frankly, if your CS dept had it's act together, there would be no reason for a "different way to get problems solved." Again, if you go away, we are stuck with the ONLY way to get problems solved...a screwed up CS dept.

I applaud you sticking your hand into the bees nest on the boards. You seem like a stand up guy who sincerely cares about his company. However, if you are not working within a cultural change inside your company, you will grow frustrated very quickly. I suggest you post a note from your CEO outlining <span style="text-decoration: underline">his</span> contrition and commitment to change. Less than that, I will wait at the sidelines. Unless your company moves away from an "acceptable casualty" mindset, you will be forced to focus on the majority who have a good experience with you and look away from the bad ones. Botach could decide to adopt a "zero tolerance" mindset that views every single problem as a major problem. It's called Customer Service. Good on you guys that you have low prices and ship a huge daily volume. We are used to long lead times from companies that sell good kit. It's the lack of communication that is killing you guys.

If I'm your CEO, I take off the head of the CS dept. and staff with a person who knows how to deal with your volume.

Nuff said.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.


"Botached", nice.

I am still confused by the "different ways to get problems solved": I order something I want shipped, I pay for that something - you take my money and promise to ship it, then don't; this becomes my "problem to solve" when you fail on your end of the transaction. I cannot control your shipping department's failure to ship, or your Customer Service departments failure to inform or correspond. Well, actually I can: I order from elsewhere now.

Having Botach become a hide sponsor is recipe for disaster, in my humble opinion, at least till they fix what is massively borken.

I'm done.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I tried ordering a while back and attempted this journey 45 days before the class I was headed to.
I sent numerous emails to confirm availibility of what I needed
and it took two weeks to get an answer that they would contact me well that took another week and a day later they told me they were out of stock like I was out of patience a week earlier.
I purchased from another vendor who answered a phone and wanted to help .
If I sound harsh I am because I recieve blow out emails and
every time I try to order its an obstacle course .
I also am in sales and know the importance of customer service.
It may sound crazy but why not put a human on the phone in the warehouse?
If youre doing 3 to 4 hundred deals a day it might be worth it in the long haul?
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

FWIW - I've had similar experiences about backorders.

On the positive side, I've tried a few of their KZ line of products (I think they are the exclusive distributor) and was pleasantly surprised by the quality.

They also carry hard to find items such as the C-Products Tactipul.

Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Rootshot said:
FWIW - I've had similar experiences about backorders.

On the positive side, I've tried a few of their KZ line of products (I think they are the exclusive distributor) and was pleasantly surprised by the quality.

I dont care if its out of stock at least tell me it is heck answer a email or a phone for Gods sake!
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Rancid Coolaid</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Having Botach become a hide sponsor is recipe for disaster, in my humble opinion, at least till they fix what is massively borken.</div></div>
Well said, and earlier when I said this:<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I can honestly say that three things will have to happen before I ever think about placing another order at Botach: <span style="font-weight: bold">Live in-stock status on their website, improved contact and CS, and THEY BECOME AN APPROVED VENDOR IN GOOD STANDING ON THE HIDE.</span></div></div>
...I should have added in that each would have to be fully accomplished and in that order. You can't buy love, respect, or customers. They're earned.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I have not ordered from them but know those that have, all had issues. Great CS starts at the top and trickles down. Sorry, but a new website supervisor isn't going to cure the ills of a poorly run company.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: maccrazy2</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I recieved a call from Mike today to let me know the bipod should be in there in 1-2 weeks. I expected to have to wait to get one so no big deal there. </div></div>

Interested to see how this one turns out.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I have had mixed results from Botach. There are two things that I would think that would move Botach up on my merchant shopping list.

1. Live inventory. This will solve the vast majority of your store complaints. Saying that this is not possible is not an acceptable answer. This could be as simple as upgrading your e-commerce software. There really is no excuse for this.

2. Shipping charges inline with other popular vendors. Your shipping rates are currently too high. Sometimes I see advertised prices that are very competitive, but paying $18 to ship a 2 lb package is not acceptable.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I too have been dicked around by Botach and will NEVER order form them again.

I just ordered a set of o-rings from an old guy that repairs classic BB guns in is garage and he has "in stock/out of stock" on his rinky dink website.

I firmly believe that the reason you don't have updated stock status is because you get peoples $ up front and that's all you care about period.


Might want to change you company's name as well....
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I guess I am one of the lucky one. I had no problem dealing with botach these past few months. Ordered stuff three times. Exchange one item (missing piece in siglite box), but no problem there.

One suggestion Mike, on returning the item, instead of mailing me the UPS mailing label, you can just email me the softcopy of it and let me print it at home. It'll be faster that way. Good luck.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Mike called me today to let me know the bipods are not in yet. With the shot show going on things may be running behind. I am ok with waiting as long as I am kept updated if there are delays. I was glad to get the call.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I've personally never had any serious issues with Botach, but I've had a few delays on stuff. However, I've heard so many horror stories that have gone so wrong, that if I even consider some of their deals now it's more like "Well is it worth it for that price if it doesn't show up for 6 months..."

It seems like usually 95% of the problems people have are things not in stock. A live in stock status would be nice, but more importantly an ACCURATE one. About 50% of the sites I order from that have in stock status are typically out of stock on items they say they have in stock somewhere in my order. The last good example was two items listed as having 83 and 56 in stock and neither one were.

Even if you didn't have a in stock status, at least email or phone the user if parts of their order are not in stock. Perhaps they can substitute something or at least their order won't sit on a shelf for months.

Botach has a HUGE hill in front of them if they want to fix all the customer service damage they have done over the years, there isn't a tactical/shooting/etc. forum you can go on where Botach now has anything but a horrible reputation. If nothing else Mike has job security for some time trying to make repairs
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.


Used them for years, always called to check stock, saved goofy amounts of cash. One problem in all these years, again one call and they immediately sent out a replacement. Maybe just lucky, but I don't think so. Botach? Call the order in and check stock.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I had three orders in a row that ticked me off years ago and swore I'd never buy from Botach again, and then Glock magazines went on sale and I reneged. I'll admit that the last couple of orders have gone smoothly.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Juice5610</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mr.Kirk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There's got to be a special place in hell for folks who make a living fucking enlisted men out of what little money they have.


That should be printed on a shirt! I'd rock it!lol </div></div>

I'd wear one too...
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I must be a statistical anomaly....have read all about problems folks have had with this vendor, but with 15-20 orders over the last several years, I have never had a problem.

Hope Botach can address some of the CS complaints that many of you have, as I think a number of the KZ products are nice....love the Tactical Shooting Platform head - have two of them - they are rock solid.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I placed an order about two weeks ago and within 1 week I had the order on my front porch. I can't ask for anything more. satisfied here!
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Must be an exception as well as when they DID ship to Australia friend and I ordered some product and from time of order to getting the product here in Oz was 3 days !!

I was devastated when they would not ship down under any more !!
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

Why would anyone order anything from Botach when we have Steve at Triad?

I like getting the stuff I actually ordered, undamaged, and in a timely manner...
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tigerbikes</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why would anyone order anything from Botach when we have Steve at Triad?

I like getting the stuff I actually ordered, undamaged, and in a timely manner... </div></div>

The answer to the question is that the sheeple don't seem to mind the possibility of getting screwed over, lied to, burned and otherwise defrauded out of their hard-earned money so long as they have a CHANCE at saving a few bucks!!
Stupid...absolutely! But it seems that some people will endure just about anything to save a buck these days!

Personally, I would rather support those vendors that actively support the membership here and who understand the value of customer service, honesty, integrity, etc. even if that means paying a few dollars more.

BIG +1 on sticking with Steve/Triad and other reputable Hide vendors unless you enjoy being "Botached."
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mike at Botach</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYS338</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Funny how he comes on here, doesn't fill out his profile, isn't in orange as a sponsor, AND has yet to return to talk about any of what's being posted. </div></div>

I'm working to repair our reputation (one that says we aren't attentive enough in customer service), and spending time on these boards to fill out profiles and participate in discussions is not condusive with this goal. I have a tremendous amount of respect for these communities and I'm not here for any other reason than to let people know that Botach is working out our kinks and that I've made myself available to handle any ongoing issues or address any concerns about the company. The best way to do this is through email, so please contact me at [email protected], as I won't be regularly checking my personal messages on here.

Are you reluctant to order from us because of reputation or past experience? Email me with the items that you're interested in, and I can see if we have them in stock. If back ordered, I'll give you an ETA so that you know what you're looking at and can explore other options if needed.

I hope everybody has Happy and Safe Holidays!

Botach Tactical
Web Manager </div></div>

So you admit you come here just to get word out you want to better your CS and but don't want to participate in the community? All this looks like to me is a bad advertising campaign.

Here's a idea, instead of making posts on some forums making it seem like your wanting to improve the service why don't you whip your employees into shape so that they give better service. It's easy to come on a forum and say "hey guys we're trying to improve our CS". Try actually doing something about it within your company though and I can guarantee you once you get to the point you're providing good customer service it will be known. On forums the good and the bad is discussed and when most of the reports are bad well your reputation is going to go in the shitter which is were Botach's has been for a number of years.

To me this just sounds like a marketing tactic because you're probably losing enough business it's starting to make a dent in the bank account. I invite you to prove me wrong.

I have a bad customer service story from you guys myself, about 2 years ago I purchased a TA31F despite all the bad I had heard because saving money got the best of me and your price was hundreds less than anybody else. I called first to check stock and then ordered online. It took me weeks and my credit card company calling disputing the charge to get my ACOG sent to me. Despite this bad customer service if you guys got your act together I would order from you again because of the pricing but until then I will happily pay much more to buy from a dealer this isn't going to rip me off, delay shipping, or just provide shit customer service in general.

SHOW US you can walk the walk, then get on here and talk the talk.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

1) Ignorance
2) Enjoy pain

Are you under the impression that the whole world reads snipers hide postings?

These guys will die a slow business death. Every pissed off customer tells 40+ people. No repeat business means he has to come here for advertising and fresh "idiots". Cash gets tight.

He already can't afford good order/inventory/fulfillment systems. Nor apparently can he afford to carry stock.

Business isn't like sniping, some times the death is slow. But it happens.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Tigerbikes</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Why would anyone order anything from Botach when we have Steve at Triad?

I like getting the stuff I actually ordered, undamaged, and in a timely manner...</div></div>
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: redneckbmxer24</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mike at Botach</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYS338</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Funny how he comes on here, doesn't fill out his profile, isn't in orange as a sponsor, AND has yet to return to talk about any of what's being posted. </div></div>

I'm working to repair our reputation (one that says we aren't attentive enough in customer service), and spending time on these boards to fill out profiles and participate in discussions is not condusive with this goal. I have a tremendous amount of respect for these communities and I'm not here for any other reason than to let people know that Botach is working out our kinks and that I've made myself available to handle any ongoing issues or address any concerns about the company. The best way to do this is through email, so please contact me at [email protected], as I won't be regularly checking my personal messages on here.

Are you reluctant to order from us because of reputation or past experience? Email me with the items that you're interested in, and I can see if we have them in stock. If back ordered, I'll give you an ETA so that you know what you're looking at and can explore other options if needed.

I hope everybody has Happy and Safe Holidays!

Botach Tactical
Web Manager </div></div>

So you admit you come here just to get word out you want to better your CS and but don't want to participate in the community? All this looks like to me is a bad advertising campaign.

Here's a idea, instead of making posts on some forums making it seem like your wanting to improve the service why don't you whip your employees into shape so that they give better service. It's easy to come on a forum and say "hey guys we're trying to improve our CS". Try actually doing something about it within your company though and I can guarantee you once you get to the point you're providing good customer service it will be known. On forums the good and the bad is discussed and when most of the reports are bad well your reputation is going to go in the shitter which is were Botach's has been for a number of years.

To me this just sounds like a marketing tactic because you're probably losing enough business it's starting to make a dent in the bank account. I invite you to prove me wrong.

I have a bad customer service story from you guys myself, about 2 years ago I purchased a TA31F despite all the bad I had heard because saving money got the best of me and your price was hundreds less than anybody else. I called first to check stock and then ordered online. It took me weeks and my credit card company calling disputing the charge to get my ACOG sent to me. Despite this bad customer service if you guys got your act together I would order from you again because of the pricing but until then I will happily pay much more to buy from a dealer this isn't going to rip me off, delay shipping, or just provide shit customer service in general.

SHOW US you can walk the walk, then get on here and talk the talk. </div></div>

Perhaps you've misunderstood my intentions. I'm not on here saying 'Hey things are changing, come back to us' and I'm not here because business is in trouble. Prove you wrong? Should I show you our accounting slips? I don't understand why you're attacking me when I'm here trying to help people. If you've had a bad experience, I'm sorry, but I wasn't here two years ago. I, on my own accord, decided to come to these forums to say, very simply, if you've had a hard time getting in touch with customer service, contact me and I'll help you. There are members of this community who have emailed me as recently as an hour ago, saying that they have outstanding orders that they need help with and found me through this forum. You want me to show you that I walk the walk? Ask if I've helped anyone since my post. Look at other communities and see how the response has been since I've started to help. There are 50,000 registered users on this forum and not all of them take part in discussions... but that doesn't mean that they aren't following these threads.

For 7 months I have been on forums like this, offering my help and it's been successful. So much so that, as of Tuesday, I was given the task to fix our customer service. Communities across the internet (like this one) with constructive posts (not like this one) have helped show me what areas are in dire need of help. I've sat with Customer Service to seen how they work and have already begun implementing new procedures to raise our efficiency and strengthen our communication. If you want to order from us, that's up to you... the change won't happen immediately, but it'll happen. In the meantime, I'm going to continue to help people when they email me ([email protected]) with problems, I'll continue to introduce myself to other communities who have members in need of help, and I'll continue to defend myself against people like you, who aren't helping to make a not-so-easy job any easier.

Best Regards,
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mike at Botach</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: redneckbmxer24</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mike at Botach</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KYS338</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Funny how he comes on here, doesn't fill out his profile, isn't in orange as a sponsor, AND has yet to return to talk about any of what's being posted. </div></div>

I'm working to repair our reputation (one that says we aren't attentive enough in customer service), and spending time on these boards to fill out profiles and participate in discussions is not condusive with this goal. I have a tremendous amount of respect for these communities and I'm not here for any other reason than to let people know that Botach is working out our kinks and that I've made myself available to handle any ongoing issues or address any concerns about the company. The best way to do this is through email, so please contact me at [email protected], as I won't be regularly checking my personal messages on here.

Are you reluctant to order from us because of reputation or past experience? Email me with the items that you're interested in, and I can see if we have them in stock. If back ordered, I'll give you an ETA so that you know what you're looking at and can explore other options if needed.

I hope everybody has Happy and Safe Holidays!

Botach Tactical
Web Manager </div></div>

So you admit you come here just to get word out you want to better your CS and but don't want to participate in the community? All this looks like to me is a bad advertising campaign.

Here's a idea, instead of making posts on some forums making it seem like your wanting to improve the service why don't you whip your employees into shape so that they give better service. It's easy to come on a forum and say "hey guys we're trying to improve our CS". Try actually doing something about it within your company though and I can guarantee you once you get to the point you're providing good customer service it will be known. On forums the good and the bad is discussed and when most of the reports are bad well your reputation is going to go in the shitter which is were Botach's has been for a number of years.

To me this just sounds like a marketing tactic because you're probably losing enough business it's starting to make a dent in the bank account. I invite you to prove me wrong.

I have a bad customer service story from you guys myself, about 2 years ago I purchased a TA31F despite all the bad I had heard because saving money got the best of me and your price was hundreds less than anybody else. I called first to check stock and then ordered online. It took me weeks and my credit card company calling disputing the charge to get my ACOG sent to me. Despite this bad customer service if you guys got your act together I would order from you again because of the pricing but until then I will happily pay much more to buy from a dealer this isn't going to rip me off, delay shipping, or just provide shit customer service in general.

SHOW US you can walk the walk, then get on here and talk the talk. </div></div>

Perhaps you've misunderstood my intentions. I'm not on here saying 'Hey things are changing, come back to us' and I'm not here because business is in trouble. Prove you wrong? Should I show you our accounting slips? I don't understand why you're attacking me when I'm here trying to help people. If you've had a bad experience, I'm sorry, but I wasn't here two years ago. I, on my own accord, decided to come to these forums to say, very simply, if you've had a hard time getting in touch with customer service, contact me and I'll help you. There are members of this community who have emailed me as recently as an hour ago, saying that they have outstanding orders that they need help with and found me through this forum. You want me to show you that I walk the walk? Ask if I've helped anyone since my post. Look at other communities and see how the response has been since I've started to help. There are 50,000 registered users on this forum and not all of them take part in discussions... but that doesn't mean that they aren't following these threads.

For 7 months I have been on forums like this, offering my help and it's been successful. So much so that, as of Tuesday, I was given the task to fix our customer service. Communities across the internet (like this one) with constructive posts (not like this one) have helped show me what areas are in dire need of help. I've sat with Customer Service to seen how they work and have already begun implementing new procedures to raise our efficiency and strengthen our communication. If you want to order from us, that's up to you... the change won't happen immediately, but it'll happen. In the meantime, I'm going to continue to help people when they email me ([email protected]) with problems, I'll continue to introduce myself to other communities who have members in need of help, and I'll continue to defend myself against people like you, who aren't helping to make a not-so-easy job any easier.

Best Regards,
Mike </div></div>

I'm glad to see that someone is taking the time to try and address issues. Obviously the vote is still out and until you get more people posting about your assistance and changes I think it will still be a bit painful.
Keep your head up and keep working on it!

Very Respectfully,
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I don't get all this generalized "I'm trying" bullshit. What EXACTLY are you doing?

Tell us the top 10 things that have changed for the better for customer service?

For a totally easy example: what is your one day order fill rate ?
My company strives for 100% but hits 97.6% What changed to improve it?

Posting here as you are is pretty much a waste of time. If you haven't noticed we are big into precision around here.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

If you really have power in that company, and if the others have a solid vision to proceed, I do think it can be turned around. But you can't screw around with partial measures. Either continue dicking around with cheap prices and crappy service, or fix it all...yeah really uphill. It's a totally different vision from the current strategic profile, and I don't see it happening. So if you really care and also realize the truth, you may want to bail now and go somewhere else, as so many customers have. If you choose to proceed, you'll have to mend lots of bridges, and it will cost lots of money, let's be honest. You'll have to donate lots to the military, 100% satisfaction guaranteed, all the stuff you see above, like "in-stock" notification so you don't have to call every time (silly!)

I made one purchase just to see, and I was sent the wrong item. They fixed the problem, but the lady on the other end of the phone was a little snippy. You'll even have to fix that. All happy, gun-loving Americans on the phone, give discounts to site members, never miss a beat...can be done, but a >1,000 yard long shot. It will NOT show short term gains to your bottom line for years. Is it worth the increase in long term viability to the company? That's what you have to discover.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I did recieve phone updates on my atlas bipod but after several delays I canceled and ordered one from triad. Had it in hand in 3 days. I would order from them if there is a live inventory added to the site. I generally order my stuff late at night so it is a pain to call to verify stock during work hours.
Re: Past Present and Future Customers for Botach Tact.

I placed an order for over $600 in items from Botach in 2009. I called for updates and couldn't get an answer for 2 months. The individual on the other end was less than helpful when I finally did reach someone. It took countless more calls over the next 3 months just to get my money back. I have never received that poorly of service from any business before.

Your listed prices are always great, but I will be more than happy to spend more money on a competent company that will address my needs as a customer. Bottom line is, I dont care what you fix by this PR campaign on forums, you will never receive my money again.