They have a Wikipedia page
Patriot Front - Wikipedia
And a website
Patriot Front
LIFE Recognition: Americans will fully recognize themselves as a people, not merely citizens or residents of a country, but a people bearing a unique national interest rooted in our heritage on this…
Even their site is sus as hell... Kinda like what one would expect if INGSOC had a website, or somebody decided to create the all-American version of the old school Chinese Communist/North Korean ruling system. It reminded me immediately of the posters put out by the quisling "American" regime that took over the US ruling the occupied USA under the close supervision of their North Korean overlords in the Homefront series of games. Everything is patriotic and American, but everybody can see that it is merely the US occupation arm of the Greater Korean Republic's forces whose sole objective is brutally crush any dissent against the GKR, using local muscle to do the dirty work of arresting dissenters and freeing up Korean troops for combat operations elsewhere.
Just like the rash of faux "gun rights" orgs that had popped up in recent weeks some endorsing Democrats and others endorsing Nikki Haley, but somehow no true gunnie has ever heard of them. I wait for GOA's official statement. If the GOA endorses somebody, they are GTG...
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