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Pet Peeves at the Gym

Update: I had to park at a bank across the parking lot from our gym today. I hate the first 2 months of a new year. God bless the 1% of the newbies who will stick it out and actually get in shape , the other 99% are just taking up machines, lockers, floor space and oxygen. March can't get here fast enough....
Do your resolutions last 2 months? Here by February they're thinning out
Here's a pet peeve and hopefully a funny story: Can't stand chicks who'll park in front of you when you're going for a PR lift. We had one at the gym I trained at in El Paso who basically laid out in front of a gent who was squatting - with somewhere in the neighborhood of six hundred on the bar. Now this place wasn't Westside, but Scott Warman and big Jim Voronin and crew would make a guest appearance from time to time, so she maybe should have known better. IMO, six is a big deal if you're a 198'r or a lite 220'er, which this fella was, and over 30 to boot. Had to go over and shuffle her off to one side so the guy could lift.

Here's the funny part: fast forward six months and I came back from five weeks at the NTC looking like a scarecrow on a diet. As I'm walking to my truck after my first squat since returning, this same chick flounces up to me and says "wow, you've lost a lot of weight!" Now, I was lifting at 198 at the time and I'm 5'11 - not exactly a fireplug. I wasn't exactly James Bond back then so I said to her "Yeah, I know, I just can't seem to maintain any thickness. What's your secret?" And walked to my truck with my chest stuck out and neck flared. As I drove away with the sounds of Skynyrd rattling the windows it occurred to me that - in her BB sized brain - telling me I'd lost a lot of weight was a compliment and that she may have had something in mind. Dodged that bullet.

Moral to the story: gym floozies come and go (wish they would just go) but big lifts and great workouts last forever.

God bless America
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People who claim to be using three different machines all in the same area. Like they own the gym or something. Circuit training or something.
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People who claim to be using three different machines all in the same area. Like they own the gym or something. Circuit training or something.

This is exactly why I had to leave the $20-30/month gyms and go to the 50/month. It prices out this kind of BS. Its expensive, but I think its worth it when you walk right in and grab the equipment you want to use. Not nearly as much eye candy though.
Oh and another the 55 plus year old guy, who only works out his arms, and walks around like he should be on the front page of muscle magazine. Had a guy strip to his speedos and pose in front of the mirror for half and hour getting ready for a competition. No something I want to see.
2019 Bitch List:


1. People bitching about gyms.

2. People bitching about other people hogging machines (do you even lift bro? WTF are you doing on a machine?).

3. People bitching about 5 min rests between sets (ask to work in if you fell the need), because they don't lift heavy.

4. People bitching about "show" muscles versus "work" muscles (shouldn't this more accurately be a discussion of isolation versus compound lifts?)

If lifting is important to you (and I mean "important" not just a desire) buy a fucking home gym. Zero dumb asses to deal with, no scantily clad women to distract you, and nothing to bitch about (except your own shortcomings in form and strength).

People looking at their phone on a machine while you're finishing your four sets on another. And when you go to kick em off they tell you they got another set or two.
Using a machine as a place to text, talk, chat-use it or move.

Wiping down the entire machine-of course these people don't wipe down the gym door knob, flush handles on the toilets, the benches they use for changing, etc-what do they think is being accomplished. The wipe down clothes at my gym are antibacterial NOT antivirial. So do nothing to protect against the much more likely cold, flu, etc infections. I go to the gym to sweat not clean.

Old ladies who yell at me for not wiping down everything and then sit on a machine and chat.
Get your own squat cage and put it in your garage..... Life is to short to deal with gym fawks
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On a positive note, the new years babies are thinned to the point the gym is almost back to normal. Except for have a few guys hogging the flat benches. Funny, the guy who's working sets are 225 gets done in 15 minutes but the fucking chucklehead who is taking 4 minute breaks between sets with 115# on and looks at his phone the whole time was still there after my wife and I worked up to 1 rep max. Say what you will @MarinePMI , those of us with modest houses have no choice but to deal with privilaged, unaware chuckleheads like this.

The silver lining, the anger got me to within 20# of my max before my tendinitis got so bad I couldn't make an fist. Off to a trail or greenway today with the dogs. Fuck people....
Feel free to say something to the douchebags. They don't own the machine/bench. It never hurts to look a little more serious about getting it done than they do either....:whistle: Just sayin'
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Quartersquats. Especially quartersquats claimed as max PRs. People curling with the only OHP bar in the squat rack/Olympic lift platform. People not racking any of the weights and leaving everything out. Drives. Me. Nuts.
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Old guys in the locker room walking around un covered, I get that they don’t give a frick at that age, but I don’t need to see that

People who run on the treadmill next to me when there are 8 open on each side

Blue tooth users, they suck anyway, but in the gym is extra shitty to me

All is forgiven to the inventor of yoga pants
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Circuit training is not an excuse to seize half the gym with your setups. Put your shit away, every time. I do. Not that hard.


More stuff was involved but I am not good at taking sneaky photos.
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Circuit training is not an excuse to seize half the gym with your setups. Put your shit away, every time. I do. Not that hard.


More stuff was involved but I am not good at taking sneaky photos.
I always shook my head at that. If they want to circuit train, go to a cross fit box...stay out of a black iron gym with that shit.
You can do both. Just have to find the right time and do your HiiT when nobody is there. Problem is people, in general, are fucking assholes.

That shit pisses me off less than the guy who leaves 400+ on the bar, sitting on the floor. Unless I'm looking for 30s ;)
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Re rack weights, curls in the squat rack, couples using a workout as straight up foreplay.
If you see somebody taking up a machine or rack while texting or whatever, just say "Hey bro you mind if I work in?" It's no big deal and they'll step aside.
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Changed gyms since I started this thread awhile ago hoping the situation would be better....not the case and same old shit different gym. Working our earlier in the week and go to the dumbbell rack and thing is damn near empty. Dumbbells spread all over the gym floor where people finished and walked away. Millennial chick with an obvious cold is hacking, sneezing and slobbering and doesn't wipe down the bench when finished. Guys who are pumped and obviously juicing moaning and groaning lifting pussy weighs. Shake my head, re-rack weight and wipe down my bench and go about my business.
Changed gyms since I started this thread awhile ago hoping the situation would be better....not the case and same old shit different gym. Working our earlier in the week and go to the dumbbell rack and thing is damn near empty. Dumbbells spread all over the gym floor where people finished and walked away. Millennial chick with an obvious cold is hacking, sneezing and slobbering and doesn't wipe down the bench when finished. Guys who are pumped and obviously juicing moaning and groaning lifting pussy weighs. Shake my head, re-rack weight and wipe down my bench and go about my business.

Answer: Home Gym

I'll never go to a public gym ever again. Plus, I can drink my coffee, watch whatever news I damned well feel like, and work out when I feel like (or have the time). Best $2k I ever spent (at least to get started).
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Get your own squat cage and put it in your garage..... Life is to short to deal with gym fawks

This is exactly what I did.

After going to my local gym and having various shifts of the bro club there throughout the day, regardless of when and then coming to do cardio spin bike routines and having to wait for 400lb fat asses to peddle at 3mph while playing candy crush on their phones before a bike was available, I was like fuck this gym and fuck all of you.

Bought a Rogue rack and put it in the garage. Bought a Concept 2 rower, spin bike, Precor treadmill and elliptical and made a home gym in a large storage room we have in the house.

Don't miss any of that shit at the gym at all.
I’m hoping to get a personal loan for all Rouge stuff by the end of the year. Rack, barbell, barbell dumbbells, weights, and a bench.

Moving to a place that doesn’t exactly have a good commercial gym for powerlifting.