With the current makeup of SCOTUS and recent court decisions, I see no way this stands the test of time. I said the same thing about bump-stocks, when they banned those.
Unlike bump-stocks, removing the brace and either getting rid of it or keeping it completely separate puts you in compliance. It is that simple.
IF the ruling goes in our favor, the marriage vows of the brace could be renewed, legally.
If it does not, one could always pay the $200, SBR their legal pistol and put a stock (or brace) on when approved.
Wisdom, would have been for 2Aers to hold the line, legally.
BUT the ATF appears smarter than the average 2Aer. They put the shinny little “Yeah it’s a nose ring but its FREE! FREE!! I say! FREEEEEE!!!!!
I swear if I hear/read “FREE” one more time I am going to puke
As far as I am concerned everyone who rushed out to get their FREE “nose ring” sold us down the river, when their was a simple legal temporary alternative. I really have to give the ATF credit for how well they played us. Touché!
Gun owners fight like little girls……..
There, I said it.