A thoughtful response ... I lived long enough to see it.

I agree totally that anyone, government included, that willfully and with malice aforethought, violates the Constitution, should be held accountable by the Justice System, the Courts, and the People. My concern is that armed citizens will determine on their own and in local, fragmented, and vigilante-like ways, what violates their perception and interpretation of the Constitution. Was Jan-6 an anomaly, a dress-rehearsal, or a proof of concept? I don't know. Honestly ... let's all just survive the next election cycle with our democracy intact, and I'll feel better about our chances as a constitutional republic. I worry that we are so polarized as a nation, that any opportunity to collaboratively meet somewhere "in the middle" ... is now approaching an impossibility. And I worry about that from both directions, right and left. Frankly, in my estimation both ends of the political spectrum in this country are totally out of control. Oh well ... if it all falls apart, 247 years was still a good run, as the history of democracies goes.