In America it's an animal that is associated with Heidi, expensive pretentious cheeses that NEVER belong on pizza, milk served only in farmers markets and meat that American occasionally eat -- using both hands. It's how we roll.
In the rest of the world, a goat is a grocery store, transportation device, career opportunity and an adult novelty. They don't have drivers ed. and sex ed. on the same day in Afghanistan because it's too hard on the goats.
But I must admit, prepared right, goat meat is tasty!
PS... reminds me of an incident here about 8 or so years ago... a couple of folks from our state's refugee Somali population had been to the local farm (with it's state-paid-for, $quarter-million, Halal slaughterhouse) and loaded up their van with freshly killed and butchered goat to take home. Must have had about 20 goats... Somali Group Buy. They were estimated to be going about 80 (in a 50 zone) when they lost control of the van, launched it and flipped it several times. First officer responding found two dazed (but otherwise unhurt Somalis) and 100 yards of fresh, just-butchered meat spread smeared down the highway and thrown every which way. He called in every unit and ambulance within 50 miles before realizing that he wasn't looking at a mass of traffic fatalities... but at dead goat meat. Can't make this stuff up... Ya wake up in the morning and it's the world we live in. He was a long time living that down!