Portable/Emergency Solar Panel

So I just hotwired the pump (easy just jump two wires on the OBDC port, (this is version 1 of that system remember) and it pumped it out into two gas cans.

Do tell.....

So the OBD (with no C involved in it) port somehow mysteriously fired up the fuel pump relay and bypassed the oil pressure safety switch and the fuel pump inertia switch via jumping 2 terminals ?????

That's a real neat trick there, like full on cross between McGuyver, Mysterio, and David Copperfield shit.
You could make millions.

I would personally give you $1000 cash if you could perform this trick on any vehicle with an unmodified from stock wiring harness.

But, you can't.
Funny the shit you learn from having about 25 years experience wrenching.