Since it is beyond human fixing... it just means that it will be that much bigger a PROOF of the efficacy and LOVE of His Infinite Majesty, CPL Jesus H. Christ, USMCR! God has an incredible track record of saving Humanity.... Noah and the Flood... Exodus and the Egyptian Army at the Gulf of Aqaba, Gideon and 300 after sending home 29K against over 100K... the Catholic League at Lepanto... The Gates of Vienna Twice... We havent really had any bona fide "Miracles" in a long time... CHIN UP! We are kicking ASS and taking names... look at Brandon and all those WEF bitches begging and their Propaganda Ministries braying.... they are ASS out of Steam.
I haven't hid my Faith here; accused of Bible thumping. You don't want to hear it please put me on ignore now. I'm a sinner/Believer, and I think this is all just more of the Beginning of Sorrows. I believe in the God of Miracles, I know about the great wars in the Bible, David v. Goliath, the Six Day War etc.
How long before the Tribulation I don't know, but with other signs (preparation of Third Temple, getting Red Heifers ready, alliances forming etc.) I do believe its getting close, at / before 2030. For the US, there will be some time of battle, if not an actual "shooting" war, there will be a complete, unilateral takeover and undeniable (no feigning of semblance) destruction of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I don't know how long that will take for that one side to achieve their goals, I don't know how much resistance there will be (there are talkers, and there are doers), but regretfully our government will succumb to the power of the UN/WEF alliance aka NWO. If this bill goes through, that could be less than a year, but certainly everything will come to a head in the US no later than 2024.
At the risk of being banned, I will elaborate because so many Christians are being taught prosperity gospel instead of prophecy. And no other religion, no other Book, spells it out so clearly.
The one world government will happen, there will be digital banking, there will be a digital ID needed to buy and sell. Its already happening in Ukraine and EU.
I am expecting that the NWO/WEF/UN which is already the Anti-Christ spirit (right is wrong, wrong is right i.e. mass killing of innocents, sexualization of children) whether you want to accept it or not, to actually achieve most of that power they crave. Its obvious they don't care about truth vs. lies, lives sacrificed for their cause etc., to get it. The famines and wars/rumors of wars will be real. There will be increasing natural disasters, part of God's plan, that they will blame on climate change. Things are going to be really, really unbelievably awful on a global scale never seen before when the NWO's solution of Anti-Christ is welcomed by most of the world not on religious grounds, he will not even show that card when he assumes power, but PURELY because of social unrest, to end wars and famine and provide security. And in his initial role he will accomplish just that with no resistance. The US will not exist even remotely as known now, because it will also bow in totality to the one world government. It HAS to become weak for this to happen; not just as the superior part of "an alliance".
Again, the Antichrist will not even be recognized as such by most (there will be great Deception), but the Bible is clear he will be the leader of the NWO. Most will accept him first as a phenomenal worldwide solver of problems and peacemaker. (Too good to be true). At that point, "they" will have think they "won" ; they will have won the battle but not the war. (We know who wins the war and reigns for 1000 years.)
Once he assumes power he will allow people to continue to have their "religion", even the Third Temple built, for EXACTLY 3.5 years. It will be 3.5 years into his rule of seven years, formally known as the Tribulation, when the Abomination of Desolation occurs; he will demand the sacrifices and all worship in the Temple be to him, all other religions will be outlawed, and there will be
rapid implementation of the Mark of the Beast (my hunch: your digital ID/financial passport AND most importantly your non-revocable spiritual loyalty card to the Anti-Christ all rolled into one). If you don't receive the Mark of the Beast, the guillotines beheading starts (why did Obama buy all those guillotines again?).
If you are a Christian (or nonbeliever), and this is news to you and you want more info., don't hesitate to PM me. Not a Reverend or Pastor but I can guide you to good resources.
Knowing that, as much as I hate seeing the libs/satanists "win"; I think the other signs are too close to the end to believe there will be another extended reprieve of our "Great America" with revival of Faith; too much convergence of signs. We are nearing that Season.