Notice how he keeps getting covid? Almost seems like they want to hide him in the basement or that could not be it, this time of year before an election.
What is shocking to me are the people that STILL buy it hook line and sinker.
And when they ask you for your sources they discount you as those sources are right wing waco sources.....ahh what do you thing cnn, abc, nbc......are?
COVID is a validation cult. Prior to 2020, those mask and vax shills, "illegal gathering" snitches, and other virtue signallers had no sense of purpose in their miserable and socially awkward lives where most people probably regarded them as creepy, predatory, or just something wrong with them mentally. COVID and the lockdowns suddenly gave them a sense of self-importance, and they are getting high off of it. Same with these 87,000 new IRS agents. Before, these people were social outcasts and fringe subculture dwelling weirdos. And then suddenly they are put in a position of authority and they are not going to relinquish it that easily. Ever had that one kid in your class back then who never gets invited to parties or gatherings because he is always giving off predatory or uncomfortable vibes so he gets back by becoming the teacher's pet, ratting on people and trying to get more assignments given? Those are the people fueling the COVID cults and the soon to be various jackboot organizations that will try to accelerate the Great Reset.
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