What name did I call you? My quoted post allegedly seems to be bereft of any reference to what would allegedly be deemed a "name" by any rational measure of thought.
Your "idea" is to take your ball and go home and not play the game by the rules of the land. By doing this you allegedly believe that the system would magically change for the better. Simply put, "by not participating, it can't get any worse than it is now." Apparently you are not a student of history. All options present for us to choose from have their short comings. Your proposal is not the solution you think it is. There is not a quick fix to this problem. If change is to come, it must come from enough people who will participate to make the change. Check the pulse of today's society. There are not many who will join you in your crusade and there are not many who will take the time and effort to make the change within the system either. So will we circle the drain until enough get fed up to the point that they risk everything like our Founding Fathers did? I'm not at that point and neither are you. if you say you are, I would reply: "Prove it." Put everything you hold dear on the line.
Now my challenge to you is: please demonstrate/document how you are doing something besides talking about it and calling upon others to do all the heavy lifting. What sacrifices have you made to bring about "change"? Have you demonstrated the courage of your convictions by doing anything besides talk about them and urge others to take action, like not support the police, the government enforcers of all you find to be illegal and reprehensible.
For example: Do you still fund the police and government by paying all of your taxes? I bet you do because to not do so would have consequences that you are not willing to face, and I don't blame you. But don't you find in doing so, that you might just feel a little bit hypocritical?
I'm not against you. I disagree with you though. At the end of the day, we are all in the same boat. Can't you hear the band playing?