Problem with that is only 30% of fatal crashes have "drugs or alcohol involved." What percent of those under the influence are not at fault we don't know, because they ascribe blame to the person under the influence even if someone else were to run a read light and hit them.
What we have with DUIs is an entire industry and punishment system based on what happens the smallest percentage of time. Charge people for what happened. Don't fall for the games they play with statistics. 10,000 peopler year are killed in "drug and alcohol related" crashes, but i would bet you money if everyone stopped drinking tomorrow. The amount of traffic fatalities would not drop significantly.
For this we arrest 1.5 million people per year. Take their freedom, they pay fines, do classes, loose their license, and often their job in the process. You get mandatory jail time, and three times in your lifetime in some states is a felony with mandatory prison time. If you drink, get a cheap breathalyzer see how you feel at .08 or .06 like a lot of states, and tell me if you think its all worth it.
Now the question is, what should we do about the people causing the majority {60%} of fatal crashes in this country.....Sober people....