I think, not believe, not feel, but THINK that climate change is the biggest pile of BS on the planet......well now that I think about it there is Covid, and free and fair elections, and.......
But Plastic straws make the sun hotter, no. Plastic being a root cause of all that is wrong in the world, you bet. Plastic is another one of the huge lies we have been told.
The video I am going to link will say it much better then I can. In a nutshell plastics are first base, the corner stone in that all the other lies are built upon.
Some of us here, I think most of us here are "older", and remember buying a CAN of oil, cardboard and metal, you can recycle that if you want to, "paper" will go away quite quickly even is soaked in oil. What does car oil come in today, plastic. Milk, once glass (recycle that as well real easy) now plastic. And at the start people "saved" the plastic the things came in, that was not good, we need to "consume" plastic. What to do with it after.....who cares.
Very little plastic will recycle, the little symbol that looks like a recycle symbol is really the type of plastic it is made from and it looking like that is by design.
We have been lied to for decades. Watch the video it is short and does a much better job then I.