I like the part when Dagny is talking to the "tramp" on the train. Come to find out he worked for new century motor company, and was the guy behind the motor she and Hank found the remains of. That was a great "monolog" with his story, one of the best parts of the book, and really shows how that ball got rolling.
I re read this post and I did not say it right. The tramp worked at the motor company, he did not invent the motor, a guy named John Galt invented it when he was working at that factory. When the factory went full commie John Galt said he would stop the motor of your world and left. The tramp (they give his name but I can't remember) says that they think they started the who is john galt thing.
I really loved that book.
I found a "TV show" on youtube about the book, and good god is it the most horrid thing I have ever watched. The holes are just so massive, unless you did read the book it will mean nothing to you, and if you did you will think boy they really cut a bunch of stuff out.....far too much. It is free to watch so if you want to torture yourself give it a go, I am going to try to finish it.