So much for that.
What I find amazing it the hypocrisy of people like this.
Reading a book, I just finished the "chapter" on censorship. It was quite interesting but however dated. If the author was around today I wonder how her views would change.
But one of the things she says about censorship is, (and these are my words not hers so not as good) The real test of your position is how you view something like the 1st amendment when defending something you find just horrible. Her choice was porn. And a supreme court ruling in the 1970's, hypocrisy is the best thing you can say about it, there are much worse.
Chapter 15 Philosophy who needs it by Ayn Rand is the book.
Each "chapter" is a stand alone theme on a given subject. This is not a book with a story just papers she did on different topics. I can see how people would call this dry, but to me.....right now I can't stop.
The times you say out loud WOW has to be at least once per chapter.