
Cater to the ragheads but persecute the Christians:mad:
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This is all theater wrapped in a cocoon of horseshit. Billions saved over ten years is nothing compared to trillions. AND an annual budget can modify this approach and negate this; all they have to do is wait a year and put the spending back in. Nobody is permanently stoping any spending. Except the citizens around their kitchen table.
Cater to the ragheads but persecute the Christians:mad:
As a Christian I do have to say that if we can’t stand up with them on this that is on us as a group. At least they are doing it. WE need to take a long look in the mirror. It’s US that let this nation become what it is, not them. The ME may be their fault, but this country is on us. We need to take responsibility for our own laziness and our desire for ease. This whole thing could have been prevented if certain generations did not allow deviant actions to be normalized. This includes the subsequent generations. That means all of us. We have reaped what we have sown as a society. And now our children hate God, religion, the traditional family, don’t value work and deeply, truly love their sin to the point they are so welded to it they are in opposition to anyone who tries to provide them with wisdom. They are morally and spiritually ignorant, ready to accept communism, 15 minute cities and death panels as the answer to mildly uncomfortable situations - it will be the end of this country and them. We did this, not the sons of Ishmael. On this topic they are spot on and evidently they have more balls than most followers of Christ. None of this ends well.
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It's fucking over....

The universe is ready for some balance...

Is this why the feds have activated so many shooters lately?