Missouri is a bit of a different state. Sure if you look at a map the cities are blue like everywhere else and the "country" red. However the big issue is with just where those two cities are......This is all IMHO.
The total shit hole that is St. Louis has a good bit of it across the river, this spreads out the "blue" voters in the city. Same goes with the quickly turning shit hole of Kansas City. Across a magic line and you are in KS. So not all the "city" voters go to that specific city. You need to look at the two states next to them, IL and KS.
Now I know KS .gov election was rigged just like Hobbs vs Lake. It just has not gotten the attn. But it did swing that way largely because KS is REAL WIDE OPEN, LOTS OF NOTHING. The lay of the land allows for large farms and few people. So the numbers of "country" people are not there enough to make swinging the vote seem far fetched. In St. L across the river all those....ahh....humans vote in another state IL. In MO because of the lay of the land, being unlike KS with the Ozarks and such finding long plots of land with few people just does not happen, so you have more "country" people.
I will attach a link to try to show what I am doing a real bad job of saying. You will see the Brown counties....kinda funny they are that color, have the same class as the yellow counties. They yellow counties have quite large populations, enough to counter what the shit colored.....err brown counties want to do outside of their county borders. Those yellow counties are why MO is the way it is.