
As a Catholic I have a hard time with things like this.

Mark 11:15-18​

15 On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, 16 and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. 17 And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.”
18 The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him, for they feared him, because the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching.

He was clearly angry when he entered the Temple and saw what was going on. "He overturned the tables...", "He would not allow...", sound like someone who might be pissed?

Hate is a sin. Hating sinners is judgement, and not for humans. Anger, when it is focused on blasphemy, is not simply sanctioned in the Bible. It is required of the followers of Christ even if you are a lone voice in the wilderness.

It's a horrendous blasphemy, and you should be more than not just OK with it. It's far worse than dressing up Fredrick Douglas and Martin Luther King in Klan garb. They want Jesus of that LGBTQXYZ obscenity to be a loving and accepting man who thinks everything you want to do is ok. But, that is NOT the actual Jesus of the Bible. He was those things, but he also passed judgment on the unrighteous, and he wants stuff from us. He did not come here to upend or change the law at all, but to fulfill it.

Matthew 5:17-20​

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Would he have mercy on a Gay or Trans person of faith? That is a certainty, but then he would say, "Go and sin no more." Oops! I forgive you, but change your behavior. They want the message of Christ to be without works, without faith, and without God's Law. Sorry, like everything else in this reality it doesn't work that way, and it isn't just a free pass to sin as much as you want. Those churches who put that flag out and preach pride in ANY sin are the damned. Not murderers, or adulters, or rapists or the worst sinners among us who repent. They can find the Kingdom of Heaven, but those who promote sin and teach to have pride in breaking The Law are committing unredeemable sins just like those changing money and selling doves for a blood sacrifice at the Temple. It made Jesus mad, and it should make you mad too.

Isn't it interesting that after the crucifixion of Christ and the Temple Vail being torn the Romans destroyed the Temple (as Christ predicted) and the practice of blood sacrifice was ended permanently in the Jewish tradition. It is said that when the Temple is rebuilt the practice will resume till The Beast stops it, and then, as Zechariah says in the Old Testament, "the one whom they have piecered" will return.

It's very interesting stuff, and it doesn't require a whole lot of "deep" interpretation. This shit is getting to be so in-your-face that even non-believers are starting to get very uncomfortable. Those of us who follow Christ don't have that option. We must take the example of Jesus and find our anger. This isn't some theological difference or skirmish among protestants. This is flagrant blasphemy against God and Christ and is nothing less than open warfare. There is nothing and no sin that should be more disgusting to believers.

I've had to have many conversations with my children about the difference between being tolerant of sinners, and accepting/endorsing sin. This is specifically meant to confuse people who don't believe and those who are immature in their faith. Take it seriously, because the demons who created it don't mean to just kill you. They mean murder your soul for all eternity.

We're getting very close now.
The rest of lgbtq+.
Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual want to be separate from the Trans, queers, and all of the others including the pedos.
The Alphabet Mafia included the Q in their designation it wasn't the hetero crowd. You know strength in numbers and all that stuff.
They fully embraced it so they own it.

The + is there for now in place of the next letter the Alphabet Mafia really covets which is the letter P for Pedophilia.
Eventually they will list the letter P in their designation and corporations will rally to the cause as will most liberals/marxists. It may take a decade but that is their goal.

The next letter after P they want to add will be Z. Since B is used for bisexual then Z will be used in place of bestiality and that word is Zoophilia.

They can’t stop and won’t stop. Regardless of Target and Bud Light they have their foot on the gas and will not slow down or back off.

The movement has been emboldened by financing, praise, worship, and now exalted to a higher social status than non Alphabet Mafia members. Satan never sleeps and never stops but why should he? He has helped to spawn a huge movement the likes which most never thought were possible.

“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

– Aleister Crowley, Satanic priest and paragon to Alfred Kinsey, father of modern sex education

I thought it was about keeping the government out of everyone’s bedroom and sexual privacy?

Sexual privacy? Stop telling me in every medium possible what type of sex you like to engage in. I didn’t care years ago but now your telling me not only do I have to care, but I must worship your sexual proclivities and accept your ideology into every single facet of life in this country.

Please just STOP and for god sakes leave the children alone!
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Mark 11:15-18​

15 On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, 16 and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. 17 And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.”
18 The chief priests and the teachers of the law heard this and began looking for a way to kill him, for they feared him, because the whole crowd was amazed at his teaching.

He was clearly angry when he entered the Temple and saw what was going on. "He overturned the tables...", "He would not allow...", sound like someone who might be pissed?

Hate is a sin. Hating sinners is judgement, and not for humans. Anger, when it is focused on blasphemy, is not simply sanctioned in the Bible. It is required of the followers of Christ even if you are a lone voice in the wilderness.

It's a horrendous blasphemy, and you should be more than not just OK with it. It's far worse than dressing up Fredrick Douglas and Martin Luther King in Klan garb. They want Jesus of that LGBTQXYZ obscenity to be a loving and accepting man who thinks everything you want to do is ok. But, that is NOT the actual Jesus of the Bible. He was those things, but he also passed judgment on the unrighteous, and he wants stuff from us. He did not come here to upend or change the law at all, but to fulfill it.

Matthew 5:17-20​

17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Would he have mercy on a Gay or Trans person of faith? That is a certainty, but then he would say, "Go and sin no more." Oops! I forgive you, but change your behavior. They want the message of Christ to be without works, without faith, and without God's Law. Sorry, like everything else in this reality it doesn't work that way, and it isn't just a free pass to sin as much as you want. Those churches who put that flag out and preach pride in ANY sin are the damned. Not murderers, or adulters, or rapists or the worst sinners among us who repent. They can find the Kingdom of Heaven, but those who promote sin and teach to have pride in breaking The Law are committing unredeemable sins just like those changing money and selling doves for a blood sacrifice at the Temple. It made Jesus mad, and it should make you mad too.

Isn't it interesting that after the crucifixion of Christ and the Temple Vail being torn the Romans destroyed the Temple (as Christ predicted) and the practice of blood sacrifice was ended permanently in the Jewish tradition. It is said that when the Temple is rebuilt the practice will resume till The Beast stops it, and then, as Zechariah says in the Old Testament, "the one whom they have piecered" will return.

It's very interesting stuff, and it doesn't require a whole lot of "deep" interpretation. This shit is getting to be so in-your-face that even non-believers are starting to get very uncomfortable. Those of us who follow Christ don't have that option. We must take the example of Jesus and find our anger. This isn't some theological difference or skirmish among protestants. This is flagrant blasphemy against God and Christ and is nothing less than open warfare. There is nothing and no sin that should be more disgusting to believers.

I've had to have many conversations with my children about the difference between being tolerant of sinners, and accepting/endorsing sin. This is specifically meant to confuse people who don't believe and those who are immature in their faith. Take it seriously, because the demons who created it don't mean to just kill you. They mean murder your soul for all eternity.

We're getting very close now.

@Shooter McGavin, I cannot remember where I read but the IRS was going to monitor your firearms purchases to see if your income could warrant the price of the firearm.

They talk about here:

The main thing from the video is that the IRS can look a third party bank accounts without a warrant. So for example the IRS goes after SB Tactical and now they have access to their records and can look at third party accounts. By doing this they can see all of someones gun purchases without their knowledge and pass this information onto the ATF or large cash with draws to pay for a used car or motorcycle from a private owner, which might be consider suspicious and inform local law enforcement about that.

Scary times we live in.
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This is no good:

Never trust the dirty black robes. They are part of the political class. Just remember the Nazi party did everything
lawfully. Our politicos are busy passing laws that make every vile evil thing they do to the average person lawful.
Each new law forces us into a ever smaller cage of slavery.
oh, so now they realize there are real nazis there?

oh, so now they realize there are real nazis there?

So is it okay to wear Ukie NAZI paraphernalia? Asking for my White Supremest friend :ROFLMAO:

J/K'ing I don't have any friends as I hate everyone equally
Look at the ears, this is not the real biden.

This whole thing bothers me. Not having a body double, he definitely does. All heads of state do. But who is the real Joe and when/where/why did the swap happen? He's had facelifts, hair transplant, extensive cosmetic dental work; but the ear thing seems to go back and forth? On the ear, many of the "current" Joe images show attached ear on his right, and detached on left - theoretically plastic surgery (facelift) can do this, but the whole thing is kinda iffy. Some of his images look more like Jim Biden. Any other insights anyone?

Found this online:
In a post made on Facebook by a user reveals two pictures of Biden composed in one. The text accompanying the picture reads, "Something just doesn't seem right... because It's not. P.S. Eyes don't normally change color with age."

biden eye color
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Failing to do Patriot stuff when there is a need for Patriot stuff.
He was privy to the Kennedy file.
Who was going to have his back? Barr? Mattis?
The media, RNC, DNC FBI, CIA, DHS, DNI and the rest were in on the Russia hoax. Talk about feeling like you are on an island of vipers.
Pretty tough call for a pampered businessman. He's definitely not the Patrick Henry type
As if we didn't know this would be the outcome --IF shit was done truthfully. and the rare case it has here..

Thank you for acknowledging my powers.(TIC)
I also have an excellent memory.
You were all about them handing out vaccines at churches. You and I had a little row over that.

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Glad you came over to the other side...
I think you're 100% full of shit because I'd never want vaccines administered at a church unless I was being sarcastic. Your Pepperidge Farm man has dementia.
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