
This She-at is getting old. This is too good to ignore. His gaffs are getting more and more entertaining.

Shit or get off the pot Joe-Boy; other, more capable Donkey people, like Fetterman, OAC, and Kamala, need their fair share of the oval room scenic lookout view.

OUR Oval room has been corrupted beyond any degree of genuine use.

Me, I'd tear the place down and do a new place when he's gone, like they're doing with the old bridges these days on If we built it now.... It's too intellectually polluted now. They've probably integrally bugged it like the Russians did when they built that "New American Embassy" in Moscow some time back. No dirty trick is too dirty for those guys. That's not a joke I'm suggesting... Personally I'd like a Campus main plan, it even matches the little Donkeyfolk factories that fill such places.


PS, as if DC was all that untattered that it's worth visiting anymore. You can put up all the Patriot Replacement statues you want; they'll still take a dump on your doorstep.

...And Joe ain't movin' an inch, I don't want to say the pay's too good; because for me, no number would be enough. I think he missed that simple lesson on Constitutionality.

I see today that he said the Second Amendment Does not say a citizen can have any weapon they want. He's right. That's what he gets for being number two to a Constitutional Law Prof.

Dolt, It says the BATFE and their masters cannot take any firearm they want. Traditionally it has been interpreted to mean that the citizen is OBLIGED to own and Competently Bear the same small arms as their compatriot regular troops.

The Second Amendment is worded to restrict government, not the citizenry. The literature of the day blatantly and correctly states that the Second Amendment is about pruning evil and /or incompetent entrenched sucker branches from the tree of liberty. I don't think I'd like doing that. At my age, in my condition, I'd likely miss and then we'd all be in a pot 'o piss. (Actually I've been in one in a 'Nam shell crater, and it's really not so bad on a cold night right while it's still a bit warm...)

Right, Joe; "God save the Queen!' as you closed your speech to the Indian leader today.

Incorrigible Dolt. Somebody PLEEEZ get DA HOOK!
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The golden child walks free.

Who didn't see this coming.


i have heard this about cocaine or opioates...
that after a while your body doesn't or can't create the endorphins or other things that make you feel pleasure.

Physician: I don’t know. I pray that there is a change. One of the things I’ve been thinking about is what puberty blockers do to children. This medication is called a “gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist” and it comes in the form of monthly injections or an implant. And because it simulates the activity of this hormone, it shuts down the activity of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is this almond-sized structure in your brain, it’s one of the most primal structures we have, and it controls all the other hormonal structures in your body—your sexual development, your emotions, your fight-or-flight response, everything. But it shouldn’t be described in such cold physiological terms because your hypothalamus is not just a hormone factory. It’s this system that allows you to stand in awe of the beauty of a sunset, or to hear the sounds of orchestral music and to stop whatever you’re doing and want to listen. And I always think that if someone were to ask me, Where is it that you would look for the divine spark in each individual? I would say that it would be somewhere “beneath the inner chamber,” which is the Greek derivation of the term hypothalamus. To shut down that system is to shut down what makes us human.
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Big WH shindig for the Indian PM visit. Looking through the guest list to see who the actual leaders of the country are:

Some are obvious, Blinken, Nuland, etc. Don't really follow DC politics much, so don't know who the power players are. Surprised to see Tony Podesta is still in the mix. Had thought that Obama was basically running the show by proxy, but maybe Hillary has some input? Wasn't Podesta her campaign homie?

No matter what the state of the economy, DC never spares any expense for parties. Kinna like Hollywood.
What is a Eco Friendly Diamond?

Real diamond made in accelerated man made processes. Roughly half the cost of a mined equivalent. Half the value of a 7.5 carat diamond is one hell of a gift.

US politicians and their families shouldn't be able to receive as much as a box of chicken mcnuggets from foreign entities.


Fake news. Nope couldn't happen!!
It's only a few at the top. The rest are fine upstanding lawmen. Those fine upstanding lawmen put on an outfit to deceive the public. To convince the populace that Orange Man Bad. To reinforce that narrative they actually committed violence against other law enforcement personnel. Now you know why several of them committed suicide after that day. They found out what a sham they were involved in. Their own government, that they swore an oath to, would stoop to such a level.
Can you imagine the mental torment? Who can you turn to? The corrupted media? Your corrupted bosses? Your corrupted congress? If they will stoop to such a level as to attack you what's to stop them from suiciding you? If you tell your family, would they do something to your wife and children?
This is lower than a banana republic. But it is all good as long as they can blame it all on the Bad Orange Man.

Vote harder!!

Can a federal prosecutor be charged?
Bwaaaahahaha, nope!!!!
They have total immunity.
Even if they didn't have immunity. Who's going to charge them? What court would actually take the case?
All five branches are corrupted.
People better wake the fuck up. We ain't voting out of this
While you were thinking about the Titanic, Congress voted to advance articles of impeachment against Biden...

SHHH its a secret.

Just think if this was against trump what the media would be doing with it.

Vote for me. I wanted to impeach! Vote for me!! We're for the people. Vote for me!!
Fucking clown show

I'd like to know what the rules of engagement were for that day.
You can hit them with the metal barriers, fire extinguishers, flag poles and fists but don't really cause serious bodily injury?
Unbelievable that the decent FauxBI agents actually did this to their fellow cops.
And people believe that they won't go door to door. SMH.

About those pipe bombs.
They were planted by the FauxBI. I guess they didn't reconstruct the tsarniev brother's pressure cookers as well as they thought.
I'd like to know what the rules of engagement were for that day.
You can hit them with the metal barriers, fire extinguishers, flag poles and fists but don't really cause serious bodily injury?
Unbelievable that the decent FauxBI agents actually did this to their fellow cops.
And people believe that they won't go door to door. SMH.

About those pipe bombs.
They were planted by the FauxBI. I guess they didn't reconstruct the tsarniev brother's pressure cookers as well as they thought.
i'd like to know if they were the ones opening the doors from inside, or who was handing shit out of the windows.
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Sicarios apparently never heard of "save the last bullet for yourself"...

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