What in the ever loving fuck??? WHY can't some things that we use stay unpolluted and unmolested? I always thought Etsy was a cute little hipster marketplace. My GF makes ornaments, trinkets, jewelry, and decor pieces and she sells them on Etsy. She introduced me to it and I found out through pure chance that the renowned revolver shooter and bulletmaker Kaido Ojaama has an account there and he sells his absolutely hard hitting and potent flatnosed .36 and .45 caliber black powder hunting bullets there along with the molds to cast them. They are used in percussion revolvers and are perfectly designed for .357 Magnum, .44 Mag, and .45 Long Colt reloading as well. I had been trying to locate a Kaido mold for a LONG time and if I had not been helping my GF with selling her artwork there and browsing the sunny little coffeeshop store together, I would never have found the molds as Kaido Ojaama does not sell them through Dixie, Midway, Numrich, or any of the bigger gun sites. He is a real deal old time cowboy and sticks to the ways of small vendors, close contacts, and brick and mortar and simply does not like to inject himself into publicity. He has a Youtube channel and holds conversations with EVERY serious shooter who comments on his videos. People with his kind of attitude are far and few now in the social media age. I also found the elusive and hard to locate drum screws for the ignition ports of reproduction Civil War Smith Carbines there. I had 3 Smith carbines sent to me with corroded fire channels that I completely rebuilt using crossing set screws and just waiting for the outer screws to seal them back up and VTI Gun Parts and S&S Firearms were both temporarily out of the drum screws, but after I found them on Etsy, I was able to complete the guns and ship them back to their owners.