
Coming soon to America. Nothing crazy, just reality.

Protests achieve nothing. Netherlands? Nothing. Brazil (election)? Nothing. Germany? Nothing.
Nothing happens until blood is shed; which won't happen. Regardless of how many of their own have been killed.

The jokes in this are legion.
no surprise to anyone but more proof that the gov is working hard to curtail ALL our freedoms with their common gestapo tactics. read also " life,liberty and the pursuit of food rights" by d.e. gumpert. this has been going on for a long time. as usual people are unaware.

140 Christians killed over Christmas holidays in Nigeria. One Christian is "hunted" down every two hours by Muslims (as well as actions on girls/children similar to Hamas Oct. 7), but Biden State Dept. say its really because of "climate change". (Translation - we need to give them more money.)
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