They could, but the rank and file of the groups they would use are not......not sure of the word.....professional, trained, discplined, a unit, team...real team.
I don't think it would be very hard to grab a few members of their "resources" and have them totally spill the beans on what is going on.
Issue is there is a time table in doing that.
None of the people are stupid, no matter the side of this. These are some very smart people and know how to work to get where they want to go.
Personally with the last few pages here, "they" are having a real big issue. There is an entire group of people around the world that are waking up. A French farmer that just wants to be left the hell alone and grow crops like his family has done for 300 years, a white middle class female that while still working, just wants her cubs not to be fondled in school. To the guy that just wants the roads smooth to and from work. They could get by with saying the hell with all those people. They have also said to hell with the "educated" minority community. But now the "uneducated" minority community is getting squeaky. This is really causing a worry and why the borders to most countries are wide open, to bring in the people that will be canon fodder.
Issue is at least in this country most of South America is Catholic, this is why we get people like "you don't know who I am but you soon will". They car coming in to be the ones that will be the ones that push it over the edge.