
they broke the law, but nothing will happen. the money is spent.

On day one they also took the money already congressionally appropriated for the border wall and re-directed it to be used it for "consultation services".
The average American is about $6k in debt, no knowledge about gardening, no place to raise chickens and small livestock is selling for a premium these days. 75% will sit on the curb and wait for FEMA to rescue them.
At that point, the illegals will thrive since they are on the Government dole, know how to garden and care for livestock as well as butcher.
America is 3 meals away from anarchy.
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There are other individuals who by no fault of their own are left without spouses and families (esp. after Chyna virus/consequences), or don't have the means to transition to homesteads independently even though they could be of significant value to homesteads, compounds, or small communities through their own acquired lifeskills.
There are other individuals who by no fault of their own are left without spouses and families (esp. after Chyna virus/consequences), or don't have the means to transition to homesteads independently even though they could be of significant value to homesteads, compounds, or small communities through their own acquired lifeskills.
I agree.
What I am finding with homestead / rural life living is a lack of top shelf medical care.
Many of the top shelf hospitals have requirements that their people live within 20 minutes +/- of their facilities.
Restocking supplies means a trip to one of the larger regional cities. Yes, small towns have a grocery store, hardware store and liquor store with higher prices.
People have reached the point of not being able to take care of their own dogs. Look at full shelters and all the free dog ads.
The culture in America has changed. It will get worse with the illegals over loading the "safety nets" set up for the elderly.
No way this passes. The bill seems to be a response to the old man that defended his wife but is being prosecuted. But still, probably a tad too far as a solution and the governor won't sign it.

Arizona Republicans advance bill legalizing killing migrants on suspicion of trespassing

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Fuck property taxes!!! All they are is extortion from the county government. If you don't give them the money they take all of your shit.
I own a 100 yr old home and 4 city lots. Was bought in 1956 by my Mom , stayed in the family. Cost her 8K then. I have to pay $ 1,900.00 property taxes every year 😡
Since I’m over 65 , it won’t go up ! Wow , thanks. 👎 Nothing tangible for me , nothing improves , just as @Shooter McGavin says ……Extortion , Plain and ….simple or confusing 🫤
And the icing on the cake , the influx of Wets / mexicans can and do BUY property here …..but very few ever actually pay taxes. The list of delinquent non payers is 90% Hispanic. Cartels run/handles lots of the local banking for them I figure.
Nothing happens to them , I’d get my shit ceased and auctioned El mucho pronto , pardon my ….mexican 🤯

"That’s why few white Christians flinched at the claim that Jesus called European and American Christians to travel the globe to oppress brown- and Black-skinned people, he said, explaining that a Christianity suffused with white supremacy enabled plantation owners in the American South to see no contradiction between their faith and owning other human beings. “They saw people who are other as inferior and that it was OK to kill or enslave them for their own good.”

Those attitudes clearly continue to exist and in the U.S. are evident in the rise of Trumpism, the British scholar said."

"Last year, a Catholic university professor also linked white supremacy with the early Christian church in a new book, “Christian Supremacy.” The author, Fordham University Professor Magda Teter, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that white supremacists’ ideology “is rooted in Christian ideas of social and religious hierarchy.”

These people need to re-read Scripture. To say they got it wrong is an understatement. And they need to address why there have been so many missionaries to Africa and other non-west countries and still goes on today, along with all the support they have and are being given out of the private purses of the Faithful. Not to mention a certain Samaritan woman, Ethiopian eunuch a Roman centurion to name a very few. But I already know truth is not their objective so it's a useless endeavor.
Facts don't matter. We have our truth!! ... Democrats

Say it often enough, loud enough and it becomes truth.... Democrats
No way this passes. The bill seems to be a response to the old man that defended his wife but is being prosecuted. But still, probably a tad too far as a solution and the governor won't sign it.

Arizona Republicans advance bill legalizing killing migrants on suspicion of trespassing

You misspelled percecute

Migrant security guards paid up to $90 an hour as NYC taxpayers fleeced by no-bid contracts rushed out by City Hall, audit reveals​

Look into how much money the state is paying Soldiers on State active Duty…… minimum of E5 pay, full bah, put up in hotels, and their meals are paid for as well…. Hell of a racket and fleecing of America
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Look into how much money the state is paying Soldiers on State active Duty…… minimum of E5 pay, full bah, put up in hotels, and their meals are paid for as well…. Hell of a racket and fleecing of America
If I were in charge I would change how Soldiers were paid from E5 to TTG "Toe Tag Commission". Its like merit based pay , why should slackers earn the same pay if they can't hit the side of a barn ...... Illegal border crossings would dissipate rather quickly I believe .
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that we know of....
70% of undocumented immigrants (the preferred targets) say they would not report a crime as a victim or a witness to the crime.
44% of all latinos (regardless of status) say the same thing.

Just like blacks, they will support each other regardless of what they do. In my opinion both groups should be handled the same way.
hyperbole? i am not so sure.

with taliban and cartels,my guess is well > 10 divisions. light infantry but they can easily steal motor T and fuel,prob have drones,small arms here to be issued, armor ?-won't need,will have port anti tank weapons,explosives-here all ready. bio and chem? prob available. grid down will be 1st move.
only prob i see for them is food. all will be seized without consideration of civ domestic use. but,like the cities supply is large but limited. production will stop until slave labor can be instituted. could take awhile as resistance may (or may not) be effective. i see the 3 groups and suspect cooperation will be present but minimal and in fighting could be an issue. chinese will win that by command,control and discipline. cities not a big issue IMHO. they can be cut off,blocked and will self distruct. this will be ugly on the scale of russia 1917-25.