
I went to a trade school for HS.

Inside we had an actual McDonalds to teach the kids food industry.

At the time I got $2 a day for lunch, 1982-1983 time frame.

$2 got me two cheeseburgers and a small fries, plenty for lunch.

Problem was a six pack of beer was $3.00.

So in order to have enough money to split a 6 pack on Friday night as a sophomore I would need $1.50.

So on two of the five school days, for lunch, I would go to the bakery shop and buy 10 fresh,hot, white bread rolls at $0.10/each and save the dollar toward my half six pack purchase.

It’s where I learned sacrifice and home economics.
It sounds like they taught you problem solving and keeping your priorities straight at the same time. Great class!
So...when Trump is relected,
1. will it get certified?
2. will he be able to get anything done?
3. will this be enough to slow down the handlers.... (you know what I'm talking about).
4. can he make America great again?
5. (fill in the blank)
Damn...... You are not getting any nibbles on this. I will give you my opinions with no scientific backing.
I am not sure he will get reelected due to the evil forces lining up against him.
1. will it get certified?
Yes, by a close margin.
2. will he be able to get anything done?
Only by executive orders and presidential immunity. The "courts" will bog the process down to a stand still.
3. will this be enough to slow down the handlers.... (you know what I'm talking about).
Slow down handlers - Yes. Eliminate handlers - No
4. can he make America great again?
Not in 4 years. Going to take 2 - 3 generations. Children will have to be reprogrammed. That takes years.
5. (fill in the blank)
Law's of Nature = Reduce the population of America by 50%. Survival of the fittest will be needed to MAGA.

Will this be brutal ? Without a doubt. It will have to be in order to make these changes before America's enemies over run our country.
About that "timeline" ?...... LOL
person in charge of running the school. imagine what they consider a bad employee...

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I would jokingly say "Your Tax Dollars at Work". The reality is your tax dollars are going to pay the interest on the National Debt. Funding for this program comes straight from the money printing machines. Which goes on to the National Debt.
Similar to your worthless brother-in-law and his family being evicted and having your wife give him your credit card so he can rent an apartment.

MISSOULA — Houselessness and lack of affordable housing across Montana are no secret, but solutions to the issue are not free.
The Missoula Housing Authority (MHA) was among 23 Montana programs that received funds from the Continuum of Care Awards (CoC) federal grant program through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
The CoC Awards are meant to support programs that are working to get homeless Americans into permanent housing. HUD awarded $3.2 billion nationwide, and $5.5 million to Montana.

Well we got our work cutout for us and yes you may burn out a few barrels doing it but the cost is well worth it in the end .....
I have watched many evacuations prior to a hurricane hitting one of the Gulf Coast states. It only takes one or two cars running out of fuel or breaking down to stop 1,000 people in their vehicles on a freeway. A few people, legally, protesting could stop a lot of people wanting to vote.

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley won her first GOP presidential nominating contest Sunday, notching a victory in the Washington, D.C., primary, NBC News projects — a win her campaign hopes will spark some momentum ahead of next week’s Super Tuesday contests.

Haley, who won the district primary over former President Donald Trump, has for weeks pledged to stay in the race through Super Tuesday, when 15 states and American Samoa will hold nominating contests. Trump is dominating in nearly all of those states in most public polling and is expected to extend his commanding delegate lead.
Haley took 63% of the GOP primary vote to 33% for Trump. Just over 2,000 D.C. Republicans cast ballots.