
Behold the fruit of democracy:

I fucking hate property taxes. I own my shit, but am forced to pay taxes or they’ll take my shit.
It's like being in the mob , you have to earn and pay tribute to those above. Your free in America , as long as you pay. The illegals are the only ones who are experiencing a American Freedom , of course on our dime.
Meanwhile, in a completely and totally unrelated thing 👀 [actually very closely related, and referring to the mass media people...for those who can't understand my sarcasm

This took me on a journey into the web. I ran across this quote from 1922:
'I believe that the (currency)'s decline in value will be halted on the day they stop printing money. The government however just keeps printing masses of fresh paper money to camouflage its own bankruptcy. . . Everywhere in government agencies where there used to be just one man there are now three or four. That's got to stop. Only a brutal government can make any headway against this paradise for parasites and hangers-on — a dictator to whom personal popularity means nothing.' Adolf Hitler.
The only problem i have with that it leaves out alot of hard working renters that can't afford to own a house

Its been determined years ago that people who pay rent, are actually paying property taxes, since the taxes are figured into the price of the rent. which is 100% true.

I fucking hate property taxes. I own my shit, but am forced to pay taxes or they’ll take my shit.

unfortunately, you dont own anything. you pay a huge price to rent it from the king. if you dont pay your tithes to the state, you get kicked off the land.

"The recent Supreme Court decision against affirmative action in colleges has intensified legal challenges to corporate diversity efforts, with banks wary of becoming lawsuit targets over claims of reverse discrimination, the report says.

"The legal assault on corporate diversity initiatives is gathering steam" after the Supreme Court's rejection of affirmative action at colleges, the report says. "
Correct Property Taxes.....
so paying
social security taxes
income taxes
state taxes
local taxes
car taxes
car insurance
and every tax that is known to man.....
would disqualify me? Because the basic home costs over 450,000 dollars and due to the above mentioned fact, can't afford a house?
but.. the dude down the street that qualified for a HUD home cause of skin color, a home bought and paid for by taxes.. that's cool?
so paying
social security taxes
income taxes
state taxes
local taxes
car taxes
car insurance
and every tax that is known to man.....
would disqualify me? Because the basic home costs over 450,000 dollars and due to the above mentioned fact, can't afford a house?
Just look at how much a "Homeless" person is saving. And the Government is saying the millions of homeless people are a problem. But again, all those homeless people have created thousands of Government jobs. The plan is working.
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Tom's done tossing his $$ to Katie.
33,333 a month, just for having a kid. Her gravy train is ending.
Holmes has one last child support payment of $33,333 coming from her ex-husband Tom Cruise before their not-so-typical teenager officially becomes a legal adult at 18 on April 18.

However, the 61-year-old Mission: Impossible action star did agree to pay for Suri's college tuition, and she's evidently 'leaning towards' studying fashion in New York.

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The Russian-American philosopher and writer Ariel Durant said, “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”
If you don't know about pain and trouble, you're in sad shape. They make you appreciate life.
Evel Knievel

One day, our Grandchildren will appreciate life.
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Can’t make this shit up…

Break dancing as the new “Olympic” sport. I suspect that next, twiddly winks or needle point, or maybe drug injecting. (Seeing who can get high the quickest and still survive the next 24 hours.) will be the next sport in line to earn an Olympic (fake) gold medal.

and I thought those girls with their twirly gig crape paper swirling was stupid enough.

Caveat. CNN? As bad as it is, at least you can see the articles without having to join some subscription stuff.

Problem is or is not, sounds like a great way to ask for a change of venue. If that is not granted, then a possible reason for an appeal. I’ll bet if they held the trial here in Jackson Parish, it would be very hard to get a conviction.
Problem is or is not, sounds like a great way to ask for a change of venue. If that is not granted, then a possible reason for an appeal. I’ll bet if they held the trial here in Jackson Parish, it would be very hard to get a conviction.
I find it interesting that elias made the trump comparison of 700,000 vs 676, which yes, is a very small percentage. But what he DOESN'T do is make the same comparison of hailey's numbers of 700,000 vs 1,274, which for all intents and purposes, is just about an equally small percentage. Looks like it's more benefical to say that hailey got "twice the number of votes"....... :rolleyes:
I find it interesting that elias made the trump comparison of 700,000 vs 676, which yes, is a very small percentage. But what he DOESN'T do is make the same comparison of hailey's numbers of 700,000 vs 1,274, which for all intents and purposes, is just about an equally small percentage. Looks like it's more benefical to say that hailey got "twice the number of votes"....... :rolleyes:
100% spot on and that is typical liberal logic. Trump received 34.7% of the votes cast for Haley and himself. Let us assume only Republicans voted in the primary that equates to potentially 242,900 people that would support Trump out of the 700,000 cited. Liberals are not stupid, they are retarded.
Problem is or is not, sounds like a great way to ask for a change of venue. If that is not granted, then a possible reason for an appeal. I’ll bet if they held the trial here in Jackson Parish, it would be very hard to get a conviction.
You have caught on to the Government's method of "Regionalizing".
The Government does some Cherry Picking while computing the CPI. This is how the inflation rate is shown as artificially low.
They Cherry Pick favorable numbers to keep the COLA low so as to give low increases to the Social Security recipients.
As seen this year, legal dealings by the Government are brought to New York. Why is the New York AG suing states and companies all over America.
The US Government seizes jurisdiction at random. This brings cases back to their courts.
Right before our very eyes.
Its been determined years ago that people who pay rent, are actually paying property taxes, since the taxes are figured into the price of the rent. which is 100% true.

unfortunately, you dont own anything. you pay a huge price to rent it from the king. if you dont pay your tithes to the state, you get kicked off the land.
seems folks here understand the scam. most think that when their property becomes free and clear of the financial industry that they "own it". NOT.
you must pay the king. if not,they WILL seize it. if you resist,they WILL kill you. BTW in most jurisdictions that money goes to the "education" division. the division that indoctrinates your children and gr.children in the wisdom of the woke. public schools along with income tax are the chief tools used to control the population. resist either and you will be killed or jailed.
seems folks here understand the scam. most think that when their property becomes free and clear of the financial industry that they "own it". NOT.
you must pay the king. if not,they WILL seize it. if you resist,they WILL kill you. BTYW in most jurisdictions that money goes to the "education" division. the division that indoctrinates your children and gr.children in the wisdom of the woke. public schools along with income tax are the chief tools used to control the population. resist either and you will be killed or jailed.
We need to get rid of the Dept of Education. But the local schools are to blame as well. One has to ask why multi-million dollar football stadiums are needed. What value do they bring over a valid education that justifies bonds and additional taxation - for sportsball. One would think that since so very few ever go to pro level or even collegiate football that someone would see the real value locally and to the country in an educated and trained populace. But that isn't the goal.
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We need to get rid of the Dept of Education. But the local schools are to blame as well. One has to ask why the need to multi-million dollar football stadiums are needed. What value do they bring over a valid education that justifies bonds and additional taxation - for sportsball. One would think that since so very few ever go to pro level or even collegiate football that someone would see the real value locally and to the country in an educated and trained populace. But that isn't the goal.
agree school sports at all levels are a scam. but,they do save the mlb,nba,nfl training and recruiting $. and,the taxpayers usually fund their massive arenas. the whole concept of sports derived "scholarships" are yet another part of "bread and circuses". plus it provides amusement and distraction for the mindless and serves many propaganda functions.
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seems folks here understand the scam. most think that when their property becomes free and clear of the financial industry that they "own it". NOT.
you must pay the king. if not,they WILL seize it. if you resist,they WILL kill you. BTW in most jurisdictions that money goes to the "education" division. the division that indoctrinates your children and gr.children in the wisdom of the woke. public schools along with income tax are the chief tools used to control the population. resist either and you will be killed or jailed.
years ago, the supreme court already made the decision... you don't own anything.... you just pay 'rent' on it till the government sees fit to take it under Eminent domain.
city, state, FED, can take it when they see fit... if it can generate more taxes.. they can take it..

Kelo v. City of New London