Another day in Sweden
Prosecutors claim that her boyfriend, Mohamedamin Abdirisek Ibrahim (pictured with Saga left), 22, from Somalia, killed her in April last year rather than face the shame of introducing the mother of his child to his Muslim family.
Excitement for the baby she would never live to see
Saga Forsgren Elneborg, 20, who was found strangled to death at home in the city of Örebro, told her family how excited she was about becoming a
All those stupid Swedish women are getting exactly what they deserve.
So many places in those nordic types, the stupid women are all wanting the "cool, dangerous, socially acceptable, many, strong" immigrants with dark skin and totally forget that if you want to ditch your nice native decent safe pale skin Swedish boyfriend for the other thing... well perhaps you get what you deserve...
Women brought this on themselves.
Women hated the good men, the men that built civilization
Women hated the men that brought good religion to the world
So enjoy the literal darkness that you begged for.