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who knows?

I'm very curious to understand the statistical methods used to tease out this claim. I wonder if he's using excess deaths, or some other method. If true, it's going to be a complete shitstorm and I'm going sit back with a bowl of popcorn.

Edit: Ok, I now see from the article linked in the post just above that we're looking at CDC mortality data. If that's the case, then these numbers might be low due to reporting lag. Well, unless you're @supercorndogs or anyone else who flat-out disbelieved even the top-line CDC death numbers last year, in which case you need to be sitting out this argument.
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I'm very curious to understand the statistical methods used to tease out this claim. I wonder if he's using excess deaths, or some other method. If true, it's going to be a complete shitstorm and I'm going sit back with a bowl of popcorn.
it has to do with reporting codes, as outlined here

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somebody gonna get burned

This is going to happen more and more. Shits getting exposed and people are getting very tired and pissed. Sucks she is going to lose her job over this, but, you gotta do, what you gotta do, especially if it's the right thing to do. I still remember ol' Chucky S making the statement..."We win the W.H., we change the Nation!" Well...I think a change is coming, but, not the change they think. Mac
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it has to do with reporting codes, as outlined here

So the same CDC data set that several people here discredited as falsified when we were talking about Covid last year :LOL:

In all seriousness, this seems like a good approach and a reasonable conclusion. The only other hypothesis I could think of would be if someone found a way to play hide-the-weenie with actual Covid deaths for the purpose of making Biden look better, but that seems highly unlikely since it'd be really easy to just code those as flu, pneumonia, heart attack, etc.

If indeed the cause for all these not-otherwise-classified deaths is the vaccine, then it is likely worse because of the substantial reporting lag. Vaccinations peaked in early April, but I'm assuming that people don't die immediately, and there is often 8-12 week lag in reporting. And even with the drop in the rate, we're still vaccinating ~1M/day in the US.

Next, I'd be very interested in seeing this data broken out by age and comorbidity.
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I'm very curious to understand the statistical methods used to tease out this claim. I wonder if he's using excess deaths, or some other method. If true, it's going to be a complete shitstorm and I'm going sit back with a bowl of popcorn.

Edit: Ok, I now see from the article linked in the post just above that we're looking at CDC mortality data. If that's the case, then these numbers might be low due to reporting lag. Well, unless you're @supercorndogs or anyone else who flat-out disbelieved even the top-line CDC death numbers last year, in which case you need to be sitting out this argument.
Here is our chancellor of what the CDC said, here to fill us in with his bullshit.

Don't think its lost on me that were here telling us all about the fraudulent papers on HQ, getting that narrative out there right away at the beginning, HQ was dangerous and not likely to help huh?

Then you show up in here with some plant retard saying she is magnetic from the experimental treatment.

Now you are telling us the "truth" about this. I see right through your narrative pushing dumb ass bullshit. Yea, you're pretty fucking credible. About as credible as that vaccine company, whats its called, oh yea, the CDC. Fuckin moron.
Here is our chancellor of what the CDC said, here to fill us in with his bullshit.

Don't think its lost on me that were here telling us all about the fraudulent papers on HQ, getting that narrative out there right away at the beginning, HQ was dangerous and not likely to help huh?

Then you show up in here with some plant retard saying she is magnetic from the experimental treatment.

Now you are telling us the "truth" about this. I see right through your narrative pushing dumb ass bullshit. Yea, you're pretty fucking credible. About as credible as that vaccine company, whats its called, oh yea, the CDC. Fuckin moron.
Good post. I'm totally convinced.
While there may not be a process in place, me thinks they’d have to work something out cause these is going to be 72,000,000 pissed off Trump supporters and like 70,000,000 Biden supporters equally as pissed that gramps is going to get removed. Nah, ASGH most likely. Even if they did steal it and it was found out they wouldn’t tell you the truth at this point because it would cause too much of a rift. Then again, Trump supporters are a pretty law abiding bunch so..I guess they just have to bend over and take it cause they ain’t going to be put rioting in the streets and crap like we seen last summer. That’s a fact!
So the same CDC data set that several people here discredited as falsified when we were talking about Covid last year :LOL:

In all seriousness, this seems like a good approach and a reasonable conclusion. The only other hypothesis I could think of would be if someone found a way to play hide-the-weenie with actual Covid deaths for the purpose of making Biden look better, but that seems highly unlikely since it'd be really easy to just code those as flu, pneumonia, heart attack, etc.

If indeed the cause for all these not-otherwise-classified deaths is the vaccine, then it is likely worse because of the substantial reporting lag. Vaccinations peaked in early April, but I'm assuming that people don't die immediately, and there is often 8-12 week lag in reporting. And even with the drop in the rate, we're still vaccinating ~1M/day in the US.

Next, I'd be very interested in seeing this data broken out by age and comorbidity.
the cdc website is not completely devoid of facts.
they may have updated it, but while their "estimates" for seasonal flu may have been bullshit, you used to be able to see the actual numbers from FluServ and it clearly showed how much bullshit the "estimates" were.
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This is going to happen more and more. Shits getting exposed and people are getting very tired and pissed. Sucks she is going to lose her job over this, but, you gotta do, what you gotta do, especially if it's the right thing to do. I still remember ol' Chucky S making the statement..."We win the W.H., we change the Nation!" Well...I think a change is coming, but, not the change they think. Mac
Hope she doesn't lose her life over this, or her family. I figure she already knows the job is gone.
Ivory Hecker didn't kill herself.....
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Hope she doesn't lose her life over this, or her family. I figure she already knows the job is gone.
Ivory Hecker didn't kill herself.....
PV is getting so many calls and emails from whistleblowers, they are hiring another 5 full time investigative reporters.
perhaps she can wrangle a job with them, or OAN.
Hope she doesn't lose her life over this, or her family. I figure she already knows the job is gone.
Ivory Hecker didn't kill herself.....
I guess I was being too simple about the "job" thing. The way things seem to appear at this point in our developing history, that would be the least of her worries. Mac
While there may not be a process in place, me thinks they’d have to work something out cause these is going to be 72,000,000 pissed off Trump supporters and like 70,000,000 Biden supporters equally as pissed that gramps is going to get removed. Nah, ASGH most likely. Even if they did steal it and it was found out they wouldn’t tell you the truth at this point because it would cause too much of a rift. Then again, Trump supporters are a pretty law abiding bunch so..I guess they just have to bend over and take it cause they ain’t going to be put rioting in the streets and crap like we seen last summer. That’s a fact!
They stole it! I know it! You know it! Anybody with a fuckin brain knows it!
So some have seen the 13-15 min snippet of Bret Wienstein and 2 covid Drs... But if you really want maximum red flag scream factor... Watch the whole thing starting about 15 minutes in on 1.5 speed.

The sinister, evil, profound fuckery that this points to taking place at the highest, most clandestine deep state govt and power elite will about leave you speechless. This needs needs needs to be shared far and wide.

Dr. Steve Kirsch Locals page
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the cdc website is not completely devoid of facts.
they may have updated it, but while their "estimates" for seasonal flu may have been bullshit, you used to be able to see the actual numbers from FluServ and it clearly showed how much bullshit the "estimates" were.

Not to bring up an old argument, but since we've cracked the lid on this one, my stance all along is that there was information to be gleaned from all-cause mortality statistics, and others (not necessarily yourself) broadly dismissed that by stating that even these statistics had been faked :LOL:

What I learned very early in the pandemic is that flu stats were almost complete fabrications based upon an extrapolation of a tiny number of tests. Someone here attempted to defend the technical effort, but it's pretty clear that this is a made-up number. Examination of excess deaths appears to be much more valid - at least in the absence of some other unusual case of death, and it's have to be very unusual to cause the sort of spike observed in '17-'18. Excess death data is also how we'd conclude that it is highly unlikely that Covid was widespread in the US prior to Mar '20, but why it (or some related respiratory virus) may have been circulating in Asia the prior season 😲

I eagerly await more analysis of this latest data on vaccine deaths.
Not to bring up an old argument, but since we've cracked the lid on this one, my stance all along is that there was information to be gleaned from all-cause mortality statistics, and others (not necessarily yourself) broadly dismissed that by stating that even these statistics had been faked :LOL:

What I learned very early in the pandemic is that flu stats were almost complete fabrications based upon an extrapolation of a tiny number of tests. Someone here attempted to defend the technical effort, but it's pretty clear that this is a made-up number. Examination of excess deaths appears to be much more valid - at least in the absence of some other unusual case of death, and it's have to be very unusual to cause the sort of spike observed in '17-'18. Excess death data is also how we'd conclude that it is highly unlikely that Covid was widespread in the US prior to Mar '20, but why it (or some related respiratory virus) may have been circulating in Asia the prior season 😲

I eagerly await more analysis of this latest data on vaccine deaths.
I said it wouldn't be any harder for them to lie about the total number of deaths, than it would be to fake votes in the election. This was a shut the fuck up and quit sucking off the CDC statement, not a point of argument. You can trust info from liars if you want. I don't see the point in wasting time analyzing it. It is completely inconsequential. Everything in the reaction was done to drive up deaths.

The argument I made against the "excess deaths" is there is no telling if there is any connection to COVID in the excess deaths, and considering the changes in medical treatment, they are not surprising. I know a guy who hasn't seen a Dr. in over a year now following open heart surgery. People with asthma could get breathing treatment because it might aerosolize the virus. "Stay home until your dying, don't seek early treatment." The list goes on and on, but you think looking at total deaths tells us a story of the virus. I seriously fucking doubt it.

Since you didn't answer the question last time we had this little talk, how about now? The virus has been proven to have been all over the country, well before "two weeks to flatten curve" from testing at blood banks, and from antibody testing. If the rise in all causes of death is indicative of the virus killing people, where is the spike in deaths from before March?

Not surprising you misrepresenting one sentence from months ago, and still not answering the question. Do you sit around thinking about me all day, because I am taken? Or is this the same as the you posting the video of the "nurse that thinks she is magnetic." Are you serouilsy too stupid to know what she was doing?
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Da fuq? Why is this news… anyone paying attention knew by at least last summer that Joe couldn’t put two sentences together unless given note cards. But no one in the mainstream media met this deficit with any questions.
That's so, so not true. They asked questions, sir. VERY important questions that gave everybody a glimpse into the mind of PJ. Deep introspective questions, for example: "Sir, which flavor of ice cream is your favorite? "

Now, it's not a question that should determine the leader of the formerly free USA, but a question one may ask on a first date. Now, did they ask PJ: "Sir, regarding china's buildup in the South Pacific, how do you plan on addressing this threat to our interests as well as the interests of our allies, which are in turn our interests as well?"

Actually, any person that is coherent, would have seen that they cannot ask questions harder than ice cream flavors and as such PJ was fit only to be in an elder care facility.
"The sinister, evil, profound fuckery that this points to taking place at the highest, most clandestine anals of govt and power elite will about leave you speechless. This needs needs needs to be shared far and wide....."
Started to suggest " annals " but on further review you got it right, just needed a color-match
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Not to bring up an old argument, but since we've cracked the lid on this one, my stance all along is that there was information to be gleaned from all-cause mortality statistics, and others (not necessarily yourself) broadly dismissed that by stating that even these statistics had been faked :LOL:

What I learned very early in the pandemic is that flu stats were almost complete fabrications based upon an extrapolation of a tiny number of tests. Someone here attempted to defend the technical effort, but it's pretty clear that this is a made-up number. Examination of excess deaths appears to be much more valid - at least in the absence of some other unusual case of death, and it's have to be very unusual to cause the sort of spike observed in '17-'18. Excess death data is also how we'd conclude that it is highly unlikely that Covid was widespread in the US prior to Mar '20, but why it (or some related respiratory virus) may have been circulating in Asia the prior season 😲

I eagerly await more analysis of this latest data on vaccine deaths.
I was probably the one who tried to defend it. I still would. It is a made up number in a lot of ways, but sampling is not a made up technique. Given the dangerousness of the flu, it probably gives a level of precision, from year to year, that we can live with, and identifies what is important, which is where we are seeing more or less.

I think you are right on about excess deaths. Of course there are arguments for that being a soft number as well. Sure, probably marginally more cancer patients die from less treatment, and there are probably fewer road deaths because of closed bars and less overall economic activity, but it is the best number we have. How big was the spike in 17-18, and has there been any explanation for it?

Bear with me…. You have likely seen the same type of crowsourcing research being taken with the 2020 election data. The same type of statistical and analytical methodology on voting patterns at a macro and micro level. Additionally, some groups, some very smart groups that have been in the business of voter integrity for a long time, have also been reviewing massive data purchased in the wake of the 2020 election.

I have recently been made aware that federal law enforcement agencies have been informed about some of the results from geo-location of cell phone data surrounding “drop boxes” used to collect voter ballots. Essentially a mapping of specific cell phones which identifies their group association and outlines their activity in multiple states. The data is the data and cannot be refuted.

Soon these types of very specific data-maps will be cross referenced in key precincts and added to any resulting audit outcomes. The cell phone travel of these organized groups creates a map of their activity. Keep in mind many of ballot collection sites have CCTV systems; some CCTV operations were actually mandated by legislation that authorized the collection drop-off locations. It is not coincidental that public records requests for those CCTV recordings are being met with hostile denials and efforts to stall production.

The bottom line is this…. AG Merrick Garland knows a powder keg is very likely to explode as soon as the majority of American people discover just how manipulated the election of 2020 was. His announcement to double the staff of the DOJ Civil Rights Division voter unit is not to protect election integrity, but rather to position his resources for a war against a looming storm of election review outcomes…. and the White House is so far exposed, they are positioning to use the military to protect their position.

The deep and irrefutable research has been taking place, mostly very quietly, in the background. I would expect the government response to this will be a combination of the DOJ/FBI “domestic extremist” narratives, combined with racism accusations and claims of election disinformation.

The Alinsky model: Isolate, Ridicule and Marginalize your political opposition, in combination with the use of arrests and threats by the justice department.



Prove me wrong.

I am hungry for crow.