
I'm curious about those $400M yachts "we" seized. They haven't been sold. Annual upkeep/maintenance costs on those is HUGE - often quoted as 10% of value. So where are they getting the money for maintenance? (rhetorical question, I know the answer)
Probably 100k/year for docking plus security, etc. I worked in the marine repair business for many years.
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Probably 100k/year for docking plus security, etc. I worked in the marine repair business for many years.
I was including that in upkeep, its in the millions. Stated maintenance costs are over 700K/month - that's without fuel and regular crew. (We are eating this costs now since 2022).

Speaking of - when this M/Y Amadea was seized in Fiji, it value was reported as over $400M - but tried to sell it for 300M because of the costs to us? Sweet deal.
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fuck mayorkas. i hope he rots in hell (if there is a hell).

Still scratching the back of my head on how after 9/11 given that patriotic sense of being united from that tragic event we moved forward as a nation and elected someone with the name Barack Hussein? It just doesn’t fit, you all want to complain SleepyJoe robbed Trump, bet if someone took the time to look back at this guy without a birth certificate, who the only person to verify that scrap of paper ended up being the only fatality in a soft at sea plane landing after she was observed by other passengers alive and well. The current play book seems to be about keeping people divided.
Our media never exposed him as was their obligation and the people failed on their due diligence as an informed voter.
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yea my chief beef with tucker. he keeps going on about prog threats to democracy. i know he knows better. some guests have called him on it. the few progs i know go on about with trump we will "lose our democracy". my response of "gee i hope so" wigs the idiots out. tell them check on revolutionary and post revolutionary france. they don't get it.
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