
Missing the word "legal" here.
Nope. We need to shut it all down to deal with the problem, assure that those who want to come here are properly vetted and have actual skills that contribute to the economy and don’t intend to merely get a degree off of grants and then return home. Or get citizenship and then pull a whole family of rejects in with them.

Just shut it all down to get control of it.

Are these legal tactics for a formidable defense against potential lawsuits ethical? It certainly raises questions about the integrity of the legal system and corporate accountability. Leaked search warrants revealed that multiple psychiatric drugs were involved in this mass shooting investigation. Is it the intention of the law firm to protect its pharmaceutical clients by withholding information about the shooter’s psychiatric drug use?

The law firm’s intent may appear to be an attempt to protect The Covenant Children’s Trust, but it also must acknowledge that the firm protects its pharma clients too. Given that so many of the school shooters and mass violence in general are tied to psychiatric drugs use, the pharmaceutical industry’s role in public health demands a higher standard of ethical conduct even when it may negatively impact a company’s bottom line.
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Nope. We need to shut it all down to deal with the problem, assure that those who want to come here are properly vetted and have actual skills that contribute to the economy and don’t intend to merely get a degree off of grants and then return home. Or get citizenship and then pull a whole family of rejects in with them.

Just shut it all down to get control of it.
And get rid of anchor babies while we're at it. Retroactively would be nice.
The fucked up part is none of the countries these POS came from will not take them back. :mad:

Likely one of the reasons they're all burning their ID/passport at the border. They can claim they're whoever they want to be from wherever they want.

None of the countries they're passing through will let them travel without it but once they get here "Oh you poor thing. You don't have any ID? Here's a house. Don't forget to vote.