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Everything they do is fake or staged at every level! They can only get away with this shit because the media is owned by the left and the intel agencies !

If MAGA wins this upcoming November, an awful lot of weirdos need to be charged with treason, sedition, inciting violence, etc. They've done a pretty decent job of outing themselves so far. It is one thing to criticize and invite reasonable, civil discourse. It is a whole other thing to CONSTANTLY make thinly veiled threats with the hopes of inciting some deranged leftist unemployable felon or convicted sex offender, which there are plenty of out there, to try to do something against Patriot officials and judges. There were 3 more people arrested for online threats against Trump and conservative SC judges this week alone. They were making these threats on cringy livestreams and were reported to their local PDs by Internet lolcow chasers watching these streams.

Some things SHOULD NOT be digitalized, no matter how advanced tech is in other sectors. There is a reason why many, if not most US police departments, county/municipal/state record services, and courts still use typewritten file storage, hire typewriter clerks, and keep paper archives stored in traditional metal filing cabinets with some documents converted to microfilm. There are thousands of employees of these agencies right now whose daily work involves just paper, ink, and spring clips, rarely ever needing a computer or smartphone during their shifts. These records are unhackable and cannot be altered or corrupted, except by physical breaching and burglary, the chances of which are almost nonexistent.

Same should be done with voting. There are plenty of funds already available to hire the human power needed to physically sort and count punched paper, if these funds are not being constantly diverted into the pockets of greedy officials.
what the fuck are they doing with these little kids? fuck biden/harris.

this should be talking point #1.

It's described in detail in this interview:
If MAGA wins this upcoming November, an awful lot of weirdos need to be charged with treason, sedition, inciting violence, etc. They've done a pretty decent job of outing themselves so far. It is one thing to criticize and invite reasonable, civil discourse. It is a whole other thing to CONSTANTLY make thinly veiled threats with the hopes of inciting some deranged leftist unemployable felon or convicted sex offender, which there are plenty of out there, to try to do something against Patriot officials and judges. There were 3 more people arrested for online threats against Trump and conservative SC judges this week alone. They were making these threats on cringy livestreams and were reported to their local PDs by Internet lolcow chasers watching these streams.
And who in the doj would actually bring those charges? Just because Trump is in the White House doesn't mean that the corruption is fixed. The people in those positions aren't going to do a 180° just because he's in office
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Him and Alvin should be hung up by their balls tied together over the power lines like a pair of shoes...