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To fucking late! How many NCO's left under Bidens disgusting DEI and clot shot B.S. ?
After 3 plus years of we don't want straight white men and we aren't promoting white men in rank.
Whitey got the message loud and clear . It will take a decade to rebuild the NCO ranks.
But 1st they have to get whitey to start enlisting again! That's going to be a long row to hoe!
There will also be a lingering stench of resentment and doubt for any non white NCO's.
Did they get their rank because of DEI ? Or did they earn it and deserve the rank? What a fucking mess .

Where's the main stream media on this story? Oh, Wait they don't even cover the 1000"s of children being trafficked across the border. Missing American kids and untold thousands of foreign kids disappearing
inside the US and nobody in the media is talking about it?
Yet, millions of twits watch or read the mainstream news media daily and use that info to form opinions!
Those millions think they are informed.:ROFLMAO:

Good on the crusty old fart on the other end of that call for holding his ground and speaking common sense retorts to that deluded b!tch.
I hope her posting this causes her enough grief to make her look twice at her decisions.

Not likely though.
Lil negros in NYC

Fvck!ng little animals just doing what they see the adults doing. Doesn't look like just Lil negros in that group.
Just wait until that behavior incubates for another 8 or 10 yrs.

The guy needs to show back up with 2 or 3 of his buds, snatch the little shits, zip tie them into one easy to manage package and drop them in a body of water exactly 2 inches deeper than they are tall.
Lil negros in NYC

I was in NYC in March. Was asked something about weed. He clarified...marijuana. I was like WTF...

NYC is a 3rd world city at this point. Sad, because things like the Met and other museums are truly world class; but are quickly becoming so chaotic inside that it's hardly worth the effort.

Add this shit to the mix....why anybody would "want" to go to NYC is beyond me.

And yes...in 8-10 years this will have propagated to all parts. Already is. NO PENALTY FOR BEING A CRIMINAL...no penalty, this is what happens.

Side note...it's going to be really interesting to see what happens to that little F-tard 11 year old in Florida threatening school and people with his "arsenal." I say try the f'er as an adult; put him in ADULT prison. Make example that this behavior is NOT tolerated.
Good on the crusty old fart on the other end of that call for holding his ground and speaking common sense retorts to that deluded b!tch.
I hope her posting this causes her enough grief to make her look twice at her decisions.

Not likely though.
Look at the bright side. In spite of what"some" people think, her "daughter" will never be able to procreate, thereby 86'ing that train wreck of a familial gene pool.
I was in NYC in March. Was asked something about weed. He clarified...marijuana. I was like WTF...

NYC is a 3rd world city at this point. Sad, because things like the Met and other museums are truly world class; but are quickly becoming so chaotic inside that it's hardly worth the effort.

Add this shit to the mix....why anybody would "want" to go to NYC is beyond me.

And yes...in 8-10 years this will have propagated to all parts. Already is. NO PENALTY FOR BEING A CRIMINAL...no penalty, this is what happens.

Side note...it's going to be really interesting to see what happens to that little F-tard 11 year old in Florida threatening school and people with his "arsenal." I say try the f'er as an adult; put him in ADULT prison. Make example that this behavior is NOT tolerated.
Had a chance to go to NYC recently. Good friend lives there and runs in Central Park every day. Always thought I would like to go for a few days , get the cliff note tour and get home.
The thought of not being able to see horizons bugs me. Plus not being able to pack heat or carry other protective tools made it even less desirable. Add in the fact that there’s monkeys running the show , made it a easy HELL NO 👎
To fucking late! How many NCO's left under Bidens disgusting DEI and clot shot B.S. ?
After 3 plus years of we don't want straight white men and we aren't promoting white men in rank.
Whitey got the message loud and clear . It will take a decade to rebuild the NCO ranks.
But 1st they have to get whitey to start enlisting again! That's going to be a long row to hoe!
There will also be a lingering stench of resentment and doubt for any non white NCO's.
Did they get their rank because of DEI ? Or did they earn it and deserve the rank? What a fucking mess .
It's not new. They did something similar in the 80's. After a research of MOS' and skin color it was determined that too many blacks were in a non technical MOS. Most were 0311 and cooks.
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