
One phrase that many modern Chinese like to say, especially when teaching their children: "The heaviest weight to bear on one's back is debt".....

If debt is that heavy, then guilt and fear should be hell, and rightfully so, as this ungrateful libshit son is finding out.

And even more:

Is this a guy or a girl?
One phrase that many modern Chinese like to say, especially when teaching their children: "The heaviest weight to bear on one's back is debt".....

If debt is that heavy, then guilt and fear should be hell, and rightfully so, as this ungrateful libshit son is finding out.

What a worthless POS...
I seem to remember when a certain SEAL wrote about the Osama elimination.
Obama had his people go after him, saying sensitive/classified info was in book

"The Obama administration is actively pursuing legal action against a former Navy SEAL to seize the hundreds of thousands of dollars he received for writing a best-selling but deeply controversial memoir about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden"

Trump Strips John Bolton’s Security Clearance over Tell-All Memoir ‘Rife with Sensitive Information’​

She is a worthless leftist fool,Just like all the DFLers in Minnesota. Politicians are worthless and she is at the front of the fools parade!
DFL is Democrats Farmers Labor.
Or as I call them.
Though they have in the last 20 years gone way past liberal and into full leftist/commies!
I seem to remember when a certain SEAL wrote about the Osama elimination.
Obama had his people go after him, saying sensitive/classified info was in book

"The Obama administration is actively pursuing legal action against a former Navy SEAL to seize the hundreds of thousands of dollars he received for writing a best-selling but deeply controversial memoir about the raid that killed Osama bin Laden"

Trump Strips John Bolton’s Security Clearance over Tell-All Memoir ‘Rife with Sensitive Information’​

I'm about 90% of the way thru that book. Seems like the author went well above & beyond to avoid publishing anything classified. Fuck the Kenyan.