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Promoters of a digital currency allege that it would cause a drop in criminal and illicit activity. That may be correct, or people may simply resort to another medium of exchange or barter. Philosophically speaking, virtue is not possible without the freedom of choice. If people can't choose to misbehave, it does not make them virtuous. A society in which nobody has the freedom to misbehave is far more horrifying than a society where people actually misbehave.
Well that was 35 years y'all had to obtain your U.S citizenship.....so boo hoo

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lots of you called it.

By Tuesday night, justice began to take shape. Kirk provided a bombshell update: “Collin County, Texas has made the arrest public. The attacker has been charged with multiple felonies and is identified as an Asian MALE named Liam Thanh Tam Nguyen. More trans violence.”

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lots of you called it.

A violent trans activist? I am once again Shocked!:eek:

Mother Wins Legal Battle to Sue School After Son Receives COVID Shot Without Consent​

"The North Carolina Supreme Court has ruled that a mother can sue the public school system and a doctors’ group for allegedly giving her son a COVID-19 vaccine without her consent.

The new ruling reverses a lower-court decision that a federal health emergency law prevented Emily Happel and her son, Tanner Smith, from filing a lawsuit.

The mother, who sought litigation after her son, Smith, received an unwanted vaccine during the height of the coronavirus pandemic, can now take legal action."
oops, on to the next one. Time for mine owners to declare bankruptcy and say 'they are sorry'.

"Environmental activists called the toxic spill an “environmental disaster of catastrophic consequences” and pronounced the 930-mile-long Kafue River “totally dead.”

As I said before, the only upside to off shoring all of our manufacturing and jobs is we also offshored a shit ton of pollution.
As I said before, the only upside to off shoring all of our manufacturing and jobs is we also offshored a shit ton of pollution.

nah, it just changed who does the polluting in our country. now the EPA is the usual culprit.

Gold King Mine Spill in 2015 comes to mind

CT knows!! Need 8 more CTs on the Sup Court
"In a dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the kits are only firearm parts and shouldn't be subject to a regulation that could open the door to rules on other popular weapons. “Congress could have authorized ATF to regulate any part of a firearm or any object readily convertible into one," he wrote. “But, it did not.”"

so, can't trump 'un' regulate, biden's 'regulation'??
CT knows!! Need 8 more CTs on the Sup Court
"In a dissent, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the kits are only firearm parts and shouldn't be subject to a regulation that could open the door to rules on other popular weapons. “Congress could have authorized ATF to regulate any part of a firearm or any object readily convertible into one," he wrote. “But, it did not.”"

so, can't trump 'un' regulate, biden's 'regulation'??
It'd be nice if Congress would actually do their job and fight for gun rights. We can't rely on the Supreme Court to be consistent in protecting us.

I'm very much Pro Trump, but he needs to get resources there, and NOW !

Whether it's fema or the ACoE, get them there !

I'd prefer the Corps of Engineers, Trump's welcome to shutdown/plow under fema right now.

Oh, and Palatine, ring any bells ? Get some resources there too !
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One might ,or might not, assume that US security services may, or may not, consider using, or not using, a "tattletale" placed, or not placed, into a .gov issued device for the purpose of determining, or not determining, if the possessor of such device would, or would not, have divulged, or not divulged, classified information, without releasing any actual classified information that could be re-released.

Of course if this were to occur, or not occur, any confirmation or denial of such activity would be unwise should a security agency wish to use, or not use, a similar, or different, technique for the same, or any other purpose, in the future.


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